satanic temple
Source: Satanic Temple Facebook Page
By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: , Published: September 18, 2018  Updated: September 18, 2018 at 7:42 am EST

The Indiana Chapter of the Satanic Temple has adopted a highway in a rural stretch of Zionsville the sign is causing a stir among residents.

The Indiana Department of Transportation’s Adopt-a-Highway program allows organizations to place their names on a sign if they commit to cleaning up liter on a two-mile stretch of highway four times a year.

Residents near where the sign is located are distraught because, as Indiana resident, Jill Konija says; “it’s like advertising a Satanic church in front of our home.”

Konija says that the first few feet of the roadside belong to the state. A spokesperson for INDOT stated in response to residents concerns that the sign will stay up as long as the Satanic Temple agrees to keep cleaning the highway.

Another resident, one who is across the street, worries that the sign may affect her property value.

“There could maybe only be one other sign that’s worse that that to have up from your house,” Rosswurm said. “Which would be the KKK (Ku Klux Klan).”

Source: Wishtv

Another INDOT spokesperson stated that the department respects freedom of speech and that there are no restrictions on what groups can adopt a sign.

While many residents are concerned some aren’t bothered, Fritz Kolmerton lives next to the Konijas.

“My reaction was if they wanna clean the highway, they’re more than welcome to,” Kolmerton said. “It doesn’t matter to me who’s doing it one way or the other.”

Across the United States, chapters of the Satanic Temple are regularly challenging Christian organizations, such as prayer in schools or any form of Christian influence in government.

The groups most recent event was in Little Rock Arkansas, where the organization trucked in a Baphomet statue after the local government approved a statue of the ten commandments.


  1. Freedom of speech was imagined by our founding fathers on the grounds that REASONABLE people would differ in their opinions. We now think we must give freedom to UNREASON, which is LICENSE – not the intension of the 1st amendment at all. Sick, just sick.

  2. Just wondering if true christians would put up cleaning the streets to topple the satanists’ strategy … OR WOULD THEY PREFER TO JUST PRAY OVER THE ASSAULT and let GOD do what they’re suppose to do or what they could do within their means.

  3. This is a tricky one, yet clearly indicative of the times we live in!!! Christian persecution is just beginning, and will only intensify. Let me clarify – I don’t think this sign is a form of persecution! And indeed, freedom of speech and choice applies to every human- and that is a dictate from the Lord!! To be good Christians we must respect their right to speech and free will! HOWEVER!! We are at war!! A spiritual war! And all Christians should be putting on the full armor of God and binding the powers and principalities of evil in their own neighborhoods!! This is happening because we are not living in the authority that Jesus bestowed upon us!

    • I also believe this is happening because christians spend to much time and energy arguing and debating each other

    • The birth pains have begun in earnest and will only intensify. We are certainly in the last days of the Church Age. Get right with The Lord and look upward, for your redemption is nigh.

    • Totally agree with your statements. I cannot find any records of satanists founding and establishing countries, hospitals, schools, etc. let alone helping people in disasters etc. Instead they rise up, accuse and abuse the privileges of free speech that were established by God fearing, worshipping founders. Their shout and push for demands is trying to override all the good. We need to stand tall, proud and On the Rock!, They serve the loser, the liar , and the killer. God help them!

    • It is a battle that is already won, we are the restrainer, and once we are caught up to meet the Lord in the air, then the darkness will rule because we will be gone! Then the world will have all that it longs for in this dark twisted society. Jesus is coming soon!


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