China Issues Decree that Demands All Christians Register With the Government in the Henan Province

Updated: April 16, 2018 at 9:52 am EST  See Comments

The Chinese government issued a notice declaring that all who are religiously affiliated in the Henan Province must register with the government in Anyang, the northernmost city in the region.

The order declares that Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, and Muslims must register; however, according to a source that spoke to ChinaAid, the communist government is only going after those who identify as Christians.

“In the past two months, the government banned all Catholic churches and (Protestant) house churches, and that didn’t happen to any other religions.”

Over the past several months China has ramped up the amount of censorship, imprisonment, and abuse of Christians which the Christian Journal has documented.

An officer in China, from the Pingyuan Neighborhood Committee, speaking to ChinaAid stated that all who are religiously affiliated are required to register, but she did not believe that the order was a cause for alarm.

“Bring your household registration and ID card to register,” she said. “Fill out a form, fill in your name, birth date, address, religious background, when you converted, the religious background of your family members, etc.”

The order, obtained by ChinaAid, details can be seen below;

Residents who are Buddhists, Taoists, Catholics, (other forms of) Christian, and Muslims should register at the Neighborhood Committee located on the third floor of the Golden Vienna Community as soon as possible.
Pingyuan Neighborhood Committee: 5396862
April 4, 2018

Historically, when a government has required a specific ideology, gender, or race to register the intent was malicious. For example, in 1937 and 1938 the German Jews were required to register their property which in turn disallowed them from earning a living.

Furthermore, “In August 1938, German authorities decreed that by January 1, 1939, Jewish men and women bearing first names of “non-Jewish” origin had to add “Israel” and “Sara,” respectively, to their given names. All Jews were obliged to carry identity cards that indicated their Jewish heritage, and, in the autumn of 1938, all Jewish passports were stamped with an identifying letter ’J.'”

The Chinese government has displayed actions that starkly remind citizens of a China under Mao Zedong.

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    • Never were, They are Sun, Mary(ISIS), Idol Worshippers, they wear Fish Mitre Headwear after a false god called Daggon.
      They are Paedophiles, who have no power over the lust of the flesh. In the Bible they are called out as the Whore of Babylon. Their signs and symbols are in every Court, they are the sole conspirators behind the Big Bang.
      They are the instigators of all wars.
      They are the Head of the Snake (Audience Hall Vatican) They are the Seat of Power in this world and they answer only to satan. They are the Synagogue of satan.

      • Averlife, you are not that smart are you. more traditions of men than scripture…. i.e. Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. (i.e. Matthew 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one “proselyte” (a convert to the jews religion), and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the “child of hell than yourselves”. i.e. 1 Chronicles 2:55 = scribes, Kenites, the sons of cain; i.e. Matthew 13:36-39 whos their daddy; Matthew 23:29-36, John 8:42-44 identified; Acts 13:27, Zechariah 11:7-14, their deeds; Revelation 2:8-11,3:7-13 Not the Catholics

  1. Catholics are not Christians! The Bible tells us to come out of her. Rome is ruling the World, Government are puppets of the Vatican.

    • Afterlife what are you. Muslim. Catholics were the first christians. All christian religions derived from Catholic. Roman Catholic.

  2. Don’t register it’s non of their business. Let’s pray against this order in Jesus Christ’s name

  3. Why would this be necessary? How does this benefit the government? Why are Christians targeted? Have Christians done something wrong or are they to the government? Above all people, Christians are law-abiding citizens. Christians are a blessing to any and every country.

    • The government’s of the world serve under the banner of the god of this world. If you place faith in Savior that is not subject to the world system then you are a threat to the establishment.

  4. The registration is for their eventual extinction. Identify, marginalize, exterminate. Same has been done in country after country. Don’t register!!!

  5. I thought the pope said China is model for Catholic Church. Maybe the Pope should step down.

  6. The history of governments collecting religious information about individuals has been a premise for that individuals murder at a later date.

  7. All Dictatorships have “righteous” reasons why they fight to overturn the existing Governments. But when they do get in charge, their true intentions are revealed, which which is the elimination of people of the true God, and promotion of the Ungodly.

  8. Not good. Obviously.
    What is the prevalence of abortions and child sexual abuse in China? As compared to here? Do they suffer from powerful sjw and or homosexual thugs accosting Christians here? Actual physical persecution is likely quite a lot more felt in China. Spiritual perversion and apathy is probably much more pronounced here.
    Anyways. Wonder how those rascals the Chinese communists would treat Americans in general should we ever fall to 1 billion of them. Probably not very well. I’m thinking.


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