By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: May 29, 2017  Updated: May 29, 2017 at 7:31 am EST

North Korea fired yet another Ballistic missile, initially claimed locally by Yonhap and later confirmed by US intelligence.


Seoul’s Joint Chief of Staff (JCS) said that the launch was conducted from the area near the North Korean city of Wonsan that is located on the country’s east coast. The military added that the projectile had covered some 450 kilometers (280 miles) before falling into the Sea of Japan.

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga is claiming that the missile landed in Japans exclusive economic zone;

“The missile, which was fired from the eastern coast of North Korea, has fallen in the exclusive economic zone of Japan. It is necessary to ensure the security of Japanese ships and planes,” Suga said at a press conference on Monday.

South Korea is ordering a meeting of the country’s national security council. Meanwhile, Trump was made aware of the latest development. Over the weekend, reports surfaced that the US sent another aircraft carrier, Nimitz, to the Asia-Pacific region, to join two other American strike groups.

If the US pushes too hard, North Korea has warned that they are prepared to launch nuclear strikes. The United States is extremely concerned about the consequences of a conflict with North Korea, ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis spoke recently and claimed that a conflict with North Korea would be ‘catastrophic.’


  1. Well, it’s too late to turn back now. If you do, they will think you have chickened out and will only embolden them and make it worse.

    The humiliation might be worse than the catastrophe. So you can’t turn back now general and I recommend SK and all areas within striking distance to get ready for war.


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