Well Known Pastor: Terror Attacks are a Signal for the End Times, Demonic Spirits to Blame for Terrorism

By Nate Brown  Published: June 8, 2017

A well known Pastor in California claims that we are living in the End times, his reasoning, terrorism.

Pastor and author Phil Hotsenpiller, who wrote “One Nation Without Law,” argues that terrorism is happening because of territorial spirits and Lawlessness.

“Lawlessness is more than lawbreaking. It is a spirit that began with Lucifer before the creation of man and it runs completely through our Biblical narrative and history, culminating in Revelation chapter 18,” he said, according to CBN News.

Pastor Phil of Influence Church in Orange County, California, revealed very interesting information about the recent terrorist attacks, he stated that the attacks are not random. Rather, he believes territorial spirits have something to do with acts of terror, and that these occur in places with a history of terrorist or violent activity.

The Pastors evidence;

“I looked at the police shooting in Dallas. That shooting was one three-tenths of a mile away from where JFK was shot,” he explained. “Then I looked at Munich 1972, where the Israeli Olympians were captured by a Palestinian terror group and assassinated and that was only about four-tenths of a mile from where the McDonald’s shooting took place last year.”

“Then I looked at Manchester. In 1996, the Provisional Irish Republican Army detonated the largest bomb ever in the city center in Manchester—which was three tenths of a mile away from the Ariana Grande concert.”

These events show the “repetitive nature of terror acts in the same places.” Territorial spirits stay in these places and “replicate their terror” when the time is right, he said.

The Gospel Herald 

The pastor states that to deal with the problem of terrorism and lawlessness, the church must step in and step up. As of right now, governments of the world cannot stop the attacks because, ultimately, the problem is of a spiritual nature, he explained in an article he wrote for Charisma News after the Manchester bombing.

What say you reader?


  1. I agree that the end is near, and that these “attacks” are related to evil spirits. That being said, most of these so called terror attacks that are covered by the MSM are totally staged events/PSYOPS. The lengths to which these puppet masters behind the scenes go is simply astounding. The bad part is that they seem to be ramping things up exponentially lately, and that is where the Church comes in. So many, including most the mainline “denominational” type pastors seem to get swept up in all the drama that the media puts out. WAKE UP and turn off the TV! They are brainwashing us with propaganda. If you look into all these events, and do some research and detective work, while asking the Lord for wisdom, guidance, and spiritual discernment, I believe you will come to the same conclusion. I mean come on, just look at the comment sections and see how they use these to cause strife, anger, and division among everybody. Look at the crisis actors, why do all these people who apparently lost a loved one just hours before show up on all these media outlets, ALWAYS smiling and laughing, NEVER a tear shed. I mean it is so obvious once you get it. Ever wonder how all the first responders seem to be set up and ready to go, along with professional photographers, ever wonder why you never see any blood or evidence. The hardest part is when you figure it out, and see the method behind the madness and the reason why they are doing it but yet everyone (well, almost everyone) falls for it over and over again. I am passionate about this because before I really devoted myself to the Lord Jesus Christ I used to fall for this stuff and it really made me hate, and affected my life in negative ways. If you don’t believe me, please do some research and realize how they use the media to manipulate and brainwash the masses. Check out russianvids youtube channel, he seems to be able to breakdown these events and points out how they hide there signs and symbols in them all. I like to categorize these PSYOPS as just another small piece of the end times puzzle. Geo-engineering, weather manipulation, mass animal die offs, increased volcanic activity, increased earthquakes, Ezek 38 Gog-Magog war pretty much set up, blatant satanic takeover of ALL media, movies, sports and “entertainment”, false doctrines being spread everywhere, one world gov/religion is coming together, and of course the love of most has grown cold.

    Stay in the Word, it is the only way to fight the spiritual battle!
    HEB 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.



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