David J Lynn is a Planting, Pastoral, and Evangelistic figure who has been used to ignite the fire of Evangelism amongst believers and plant Churches and Para-Church Ministries throughout the world. - Credit: Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries
By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: March 27, 2018  Updated: March 27, 2018 at 11:18 am EST

A Canadian Preacher was arrested in the United Kingdom for allegedly making homophobic comments. David Lynn, a nondenominational ministry leader, and a subject to, what appears to be, a campaign against free speech in the U.K., was detained for over twenty hours.

The Preacher was released without a charge filed on Wednesday from Fresh Wharf Custody Base in East London. Lynn, a Canadian native, was accused of calling a lesbian woman “perverse” and “sinful” while preaching at a train station in Barking.

David Lynn has been a preacher for twenty-two years, and heads an organization called Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries with congregations and churches in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

After the arrest, Christian Legal Center, an organization based in the United Kingdom that helps Christians all over the world with issues relating to law and the Christian faith, aided David Lynn with the ordeal.

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According to the Christian Legal Center;

David began preaching at 1pm on Tuesday, and arrived outside Barking Tube Station at 3.30pm, where a group of supporters joined him. He preached about people searching for love in the wrong places, and that it is only through a right relationship with Christ that this deep need can be satisfied.

A crowd formed, and David frequently handed the microphone to onlookers to allow them to respond to his preaching. It was alleged that David called a homosexual lady in the crowd ‘perverse’ and ‘sinful’, though he denies this and video footage captured of the preaching does not substantiate her complaint. Instead, it shows groups of supporters cheering, chanting ‘Jesus’ and supporting David throughout his preaching. The atmosphere was more like a carnival that a confrontation.”  – Christian Legal Centre

After the ordeal David stated;

“My vision is to bring the life-changing message of Jesus Christ’s love and forgiveness to the world through evangelism. I am passionate about igniting and uniting the global body of Christ for the evangelistic mandate, and I want to bring the message of salvation to the entire world, keeping the focus on Christ and spreading God’s love and forgiveness found in Jesus. What happened on Tuesday shocked me, and I am grateful to the Christian Legal Centre for responding immediately to my arrest and helping me avoid being charged.”

David Lynn is one of many who have been arrested in the United Kingdom recently for situations surrounding Free Speech. Recently, a Christian woman and far-right activist, was also detained and banned from the United Kingdom for speaking against Islam.

In addition, just last year another pair of Christians were arrested for speaking against Islam, according to Christian Concern;

Mike Overd, together with another street preacher, Michael Stockwell, has been convicted of a ‘religiously aggravated’ public order offence, following their arrest in July 2016. He and his friends had been preaching in a Bristol shopping area and responding to questions, objections and abuse. Video evidence shows Mike being forcibly removed from the area by a police officer.

Charges against one of the men were dropped before the court hearing and two days into the hearing the court decided that there was no case to answer in relation to one of the other men. However, Mike and Michael were convicted but they have appealed. Mike has been arrested before but successfully contested the charges against him. – Christian Legal Center

The United Kingdom and its forces are increasingly becoming hostile towards those who speak out against issues they disagree with, particularly towards those who hold the Christian faith.

Works Cited

David Lynn. “Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries.” Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries. . (N/A): . .

Christian Legal Center. “Christian Preacher in Barking Arrested For Hate Speech.” Christian Legal Center. . (2018): . .


  1. This women feels sinful and perverse in her soul… that’s what came to her mind as he preached. Her own guilt is what she’s accusing him of. She needs to repent… The Lord is full of mercy and compassion!

  2. yeah so there is nothing to worry about with christians so those who don’t like christians spend a lot of time and effort trying to eradicate them. hmmm… must be something to the christian faith is what aahhmm saying! repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.

  3. I think David Lynn was doing what we all need to be doing. Imagine if thousands of people started shouting JESUS! I will be a great day when he returns, Yeshua Ha’Mashiach / Jesus the Messiah is the Way the Truth and the Life 🙂

  4. I agree with the arrest. He was out of line. The bible says to never push religion on people. Speaking in public is ok if announced. Doing so may push some further away. We Christians know of the end times, almost all in the crowd are sinners, show boating in public when he knows full well Christians lead by example , not judging others, and reflections of their life.

  5. Stick with the verse where jesus says a man shall leave his parents and cleave to his wife. New testament, no arguments about” we don’t follow the old testament”, or people trying to say jesus may have had a homosexual affair. Jesus spoke those words and there is no way around a man is for a woman and a woman for a man

  6. So now in Canada and the United Kingdom it is practically illegal to preach against homosexuality. Thank God for the United States of America and the Constitution!

    • Yes Nate, and the globalist are working overtime to repeal the American Constitution. I listen to a whole lot of American Preachers who still preach The Truth. and I Thank God for the prayers of the saints.

  7. You may not agree with this man. A view pretty longstanding, like 5000 years, and not controversial just 40 or 50 years ago. Christians may not agree entirerly with this preacher. The New Testement is not salvation through adherance to the Law or good works. It is salvation through the Grace of God, Faith in Jesus as the Son of God and his resurrection, and His blood as attonement for all sins, past present, and future. Certainly a weightier matter of the Law. Justice and Mercy and redemption not of ourselves but of our Lord alone. Grace therefore is not a license to sin. And homosexuality is certainly that. But it is rather a resting place for all sinners. Of which we are all counted.
    That aside, if possible, the persecution of Christians is very real and alarming. It will get worse. Far worse. And unfortunately or not, between militant homosexual transgender humanists, and rabid mad dog islamicists, those are the two main vectors, in my opinion, such persecution will manifest in the physical realm. An unholy alliance of anything goes hedonists preaching tolerance while simultaneously in bed with the most intolerant people, possibly ever, and ruthlessly suppressing everyone else.
    The UK, the birthplace of the Magna Carta, among many other things fair and hideous, is PERSECUTING Christians. Mercilessly from a secular, modern point of view. Censure is first, imprisonment follows. What follows imprisonment? The lash. The scourging. The blood of martyrs.
    The Magna Carta did not come without cost. Nor did our salvation.

  8. Islamic followers incite violence,murder,rape women of Britain and nothing is said or done,only covered up but speak the truth or object to the refugee,s attacks you get arrested.Btitans better get rid of their leaders


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