Feminist Pro Choice Clinic Escort Alethea Skeen of East Tennessee
By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: September 20, 2019  Updated: September 20, 2019 at 7:52 pm EST

At the Bristol Women’s Center in Bristol Tennessee, Abolitionists and ProLife advocates gathered outside of the abortion clinic to plead for the lives of babies facing death by abortion today.

Among those was a female Abolitionist named Sammi who was standing on the opposite side of the street from the clinic. She stood quietly for a while until she was joined by a Pro Choice Clinic Escort (aka Deathscort), who was armed with a pink megaphone. With Sammi’s Go-Pro filming and her phone LIVE streaming to Facebook, the Abolitionist’s friends were able to watch along as she was assaulted by the Deathscort, Alethea Skeen.

In the videos below you can see the assault take place from two different view points. Those standing on the streets defending life are being assaulted daily because the “Pro Choice” Deathscorts don’t want a pregnant mother knowing that they actually have a choice, other then abortion.


  1. I think the doctors do counsel their patients and they get proper pre-matal care until they give birth to a healthy live baby. I think that is how it works. At least that is how it was for me.


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