By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: March 13, 2018  Updated: March 13, 2018 at 10:22 am EST

Scientists from Northwestern University published a study in the journal Neuropsychologia attempting to establish a link between religious fundamentalism and brain impairment.

The findings suggest that religious fundamentalists have less cognitive flexibility, in addition, the study states that damage to particular areas of the prefrontal cortex indirectly promotes religious fundamentalism. In other words, science is now attempting to say that those who believe the Bible have brain damage.

The prefrontal cortex is a region of the brain which is implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior. The most well-known function of this region is considered to be executive function; “abilities to differentiate among conflicting thoughts, determine good and bad, better and best, same and different, future consequences of current activities, working toward a defined goal, prediction of outcomes, expectation based on actions, and social “control” (the ability to suppress urges that, if not suppressed, could lead to socially unacceptable outcomes).”

The study was led by Jordan Grafman of Northwestern University and utilized data from Vietnam War Veterans. The veterans were chosen because a large number of them had damage to brain areas suspected of playing a critical role in functions related to religious fundamentalism. CT scans were taken from both a group of healthy Veterans and the aforementioned group, in addition, the majority of those tested identified as Christian.

The scientists who conducted the study believe that adherence to religious fundamentalism is the result of some form of brain damage whether it be by brain trauma, a psychological disorder, a drug or alcohol addiction, or simply a particular genetic profile. Also, the scientists believe that in the near future, through various kinds of mental and cognitive exercises the adherence to religious fundamentalism can be eradicated.

Science has yet to disprove the possibility of God and as a result, have resorted to calling those who adhere to a belief system as damaged.

The Abstract;
Beliefs profoundly affect people’s lives, but their cognitive and neural pathways are poorly understood. Although previous research has identified the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) as critical to representing religious beliefs, the means by which vmPFC enables religious belief is uncertain. We hypothesized that the vmPFC represents diverse religious beliefs and that a vmPFC lesion would be associated with religious fundamentalism or the narrowing of religious beliefs. To test this prediction, we assessed religious adherence with a widely-used religious fundamentalism scale in a large sample of 119 patients with penetrating traumatic brain injury (pTBI). If the vmPFC is crucial to modulating diverse personal religious beliefs, we predicted that pTBI patients with lesions to the vmPFC would exhibit greater fundamentalism, and that this would be modulated by cognitive flexibility and trait openness. Instead, we found that participants with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) lesions have fundamentalist beliefs similar to patients with vmPFC lesions and that the effect of a dlPFC lesion on fundamentalism was significantly mediated by decreased cognitive flexibility and openness. These findings indicate that cognitive flexibility and openness are necessary for flexible and adaptive religious commitment, and that such diversity of religious thought is dependent on dlPFC functionality.

According to the Study, religious fundamentalism refers to an ideology that emphasizes traditional religious texts and discourages progressive thinking about religion and social issues. In addition, religious fundamentalism according to Wikipedia;

Christian fundamentalism began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries among British and American Protestants as a reaction to theological liberalism and cultural modernism. Fundamentalists argued that 19th-century modernist theologians had misinterpreted or rejected certain doctrines, especially biblical inerrancy, that they viewed as the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Fundamentalists are almost always described as having a literal interpretation of the Bible. A few scholars regard Catholics who reject modern theology in favor of more traditional doctrines as fundamentalists. Scholars debate how much the terms”evangelical” and “fundamentalist” are synonymous. In keeping with traditional Christian doctrines concerning biblical interpretation, the role Jesus plays in the Bible, and the role of the church in society, fundamentalists usually believe in a core of Christian beliefs that include the historical accuracy of the Bible and all its events as well as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

The world over, there are roughly 2.3 billion Christians, according to the Pew Research Center, most of which adhere to the basic belief of God and the moral absolutism as described in the Bible, which is considered religious fundamentalism. As per the aforementioned study and the generic description of religious fundamentalism, apparently, all of them are considered to have some form of brain damage.

The research into such was incredibly biased because the subjects were all veterans. How can one make a generalization about all Fundamental Christians without including a wide variety within the study? By studying only Vietnam veterans majority of whom have faced injury in one particular part of the brain, psychologists are attempting to connect to their beliefs, the results can easily be interpreted to say that Christian fundamentalists have brain damage, but what about the rest of the community that was left out of the study? Why weren’t Fundamental Christians who had not faced injury or the trauma of war included in the study?

Astonishingly rather than believe in a creator, science would have us believe that humanity originated from either comet dust, Martians, and or have evolved from absolutely nothing. Science has one sound problem with its determination that God doesn’t exist, they have no evidence of the latter, rather evolutionists utilize indoctrination, militant ideology, and demoralizing methodology to obliterate any remaining decency.

One question, in regards to the argument of creation vs evolution, if humanity evolved sequentially from nothing, how did intelligence originate?

Regardless of your stance on the previously mentioned psychological matter, if you define your moral obligations to uphold simple laws such as not to murder and not to steal, please know that the origins of such have resulted from adherence to the Bible, or what scientists call religious fundamentalism. The adherence to these simple Biblical points have translated into laws which are still carried out across the world today. Tracing the origins of modern society, we find the morality that encompasses our legal system is defined squarely by the Bible.

Works Cited

Bobby Azarian. “Scientists have established a link between brain damage and religious fundamentalism.” Raw Story. . (2018): . .

Zhong, Cristofori, Bulbulia, Krueger, Grafman. “Biological and cognitive underpinnings of religious fundamentalism..” Neuropsychologia. . (2018): . .

Pew. “The Changing Global Religious Landscape.” Pew Research Center. . (2017): . .


  1. The stupidity of these so called scientists is amazing!!! How much tax payer money went to idiots like these morons! What’s next reeducation camps just like the communists? Oh that’s right same concepts because the universties are run by these idiots.

    • I’m afraid you’re absolutely correct, Tucker…it’s re-education camps. History is repeating itself; we’re entering into a global Hitler era all over again. I hope Christ calls us Home before we see too much of that!

  2. What if Faith has nothing to do with Religion. Religion is a man made Tradition and Ancient Belief that Jesus abolished at the cross. No ones Religion or rote prayers ever saved them from the condemnation destined for the Men who lack Spirituality and compromise in their walks.

    • No matter the “religion”, faith is still required. Everyone is created with an inherent need to worship Someone or something, therefore, it’s not “man made” as you suggest. The Biblical definition of “pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” James 1: 27

      Jesus didn’t abolish religion, tradition, or any “ancient belief”; He came to fulfill the law, to satisfy its requirements so that we can have a personal relationship with God the Father through Him.

      Christianity is much more than that; it’s a living vital and fantastic relationship with the Creator—Jesus Christ! Religions are man made, as are their gods. Everyone has a level of spirituality because we are eternal spirits having a temporary human experience. Spirituality doesn’t get one into Heaven; having one’s sins washed away by the precious blood of Jesus Christ is the only remedy/passport into the Kingdom. Even Satanists recognize the importance of blood, and that’s why they use it in their rituals. They use it to mimic and to mock Christ, the One whom they and all those outside of His family will be accountable one day, in the very near future.

  3. It’s starts with “labeling” people: First you call them Fundamentalists, then those same people are deemed not mentally stable (based on some dogdey, pseudo-scientific study), and from there, rights are removed on the basis of their supposed mental instability. That’s *all* it takes. NO ONE, not a Xtian, Jew, Muslim, or even an atheist or agnostic who’s fervent in their belief or ideology, should be subject to the whims of a society who sees fit to take Natural Rights away from the people. That’s one of the underlying principles of our American Society. I’m not a Xtian, but I support their choices to live as they see fit, so long as it does not infringe on my or anyone else’s rights. I have yet to see them as any threat. Why do these so-called “researchers” feel threatened, I wonder?

    • Greetings, Tori!

      You’ve hit the nail on the head! I love your comment; why can’t people just live and let live, eh? The so-called researchers feel threatened because they know God’s word is absolute truth, and it leads to salvation. Seeing these pseudo-scientists serve Satan, they don’t want anybody to follow Christ, which is Life eternal. Christ said, “The thief (Satan) comes but to seal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it abundantly. 11. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.” John 10: 10, 11. That’s exactly what He did, and your well-worded comment leads up to this passage with uncanny accuracy.

      None of what is going on catches God, our Creator off guard or by surprise. He’s using all these things and much more, to bring to a close His ultimate plan for mankind’s personal salvation. To those without Christ, such things appear hopeless, fearful, and totally unnatural; to those of us with Christ in our lives, we see all these things as fulfillment of prophecy, and a necessity to lend further credibility to God’s word. These things bring us hope, peace, and a restlessness for Home, because Jesus says, “And when these things BEGIN to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draws near.” Luke 21: 28 (emphasis mine).

      Tori, right now, there are sooooo many things simultaneously happening all over the world that’s it’s humanly impossible to keep up with it all! Corruption, deception, betrayals, murders of the unborn children and others is rampant; children and others are being sold into sex slavery, transhumanism, transgendering, artificial intelligence, the insurgence of Islamic executioners (as in Hitler’s day), manipulation of the genome and genetic engineering of our foods, poisoning of our air, water, foods, beverages, G5, etc. etc. are all symptoms that Christ is coming back to receive His Bride (the Church—born again Christians ((John 3: 5-7)) just like He said! As frightening as they may seem, and they ARE, it’s proof that we are no longer in the “last days”; we’re in the last minutes, and we need to be prepared to meet our Maker at any moment. Thank you, for standing up for me, a Christian! Blessings!

  4. It is no secret in this 21st century. Satan and his minions are trying their hardest to banish a belief in Yaushua and the fundamental values of Christianity. By claiming that they (gods of science) have discovered that believers of the righteousness of Yahuwah God are in essence “brain damaged”, they assume to have a grip on society’s thinking. Their hopes is to eradicate Christianity by labeling believers as being “abnormal” in their ability to think and act in a RIGHTEOUS and HOLY fashion that is pleasing to Yahuwah God. In doing so they assume that the general populace, and believers as well, will re-think or re-define their convictions. Science, and the gods thereof, are nothing less than FOOLS and BLIND leaders of the blind, as stated in scripture by our Master and Lord Yahushua Messiah. We, believers, have read the end of the book, and we win…

    • Amen, Brother! You preach it! Almost a century ago, God was being evicted from the classroom, the courtroom, and more recently, most public places. Being the Gentleman He is, He obliged and walked out. Now, mankind is not liking what they are experiencing, at least those of us who are not Libtards, that is. It “rains on the just and on the unjust”; but the just “keep on ticking”, just like the Energizer Bunny, but with everlasting life! We have read to the end of The Book, and we’re now in the final chapters! I’ve been a Christian for 52 years, and I grew up hearing, “We are in the last days!” Today, we can no longer say that because we are now in the last hours! Blessings!

  5. Hello,
    „the scientists who conducted the study“aka one of Satan’s minions.
    Spoilers Jesus wins in the end ??.

  6. The idea is NOT that ALL christian fundamentalists have brain damage but that people with damage to a particular area of the brain are likely to hold on to fundamentalist religious ideals……VERY different.

    • From where I sit, there is NO difference; no sense playing semantics here. The cat is out of the bag; there is a witch hunt on for anybody with Conservative views and values.

  7. Christians are Brain Damaged? ….Says the so-called scientist’s who will spend eternity in Hell………

  8. That isn’t “science” – that is foolishness!
    It is pure stupidity to take a poll among “red” cars to see how many have “scratches” and then claim that “x%” of auto scratching are the results of cars being painted “red”. That sort of “science” would never hold up in a courtroom, even one run by children – what is wrong with the adults?
    1Co 2:14  But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 

    • Dallas, if something is repeated often enough, the lemmings will accept it as truth. It’s amazing that man is so quick to welcome the most ludicrous and unbelievable stuff, and ignore the truth…God’s Word! Blessings!

  9. They had to do a study to figure this out? Merrimack. Webster dictionary: fundamentalist; a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principle. Duh. Of course they are cognitively inflexible that is what fundamentalist means.

  10. I am “fundamentalist”. Thousands have left my church the last few years, presumably without employing “various kinds of mental and cognitive exercises.”

    How do the authors of the study explain that?

    Did their “brain damage” reverse itself?

  11. As Jewish authors, you should make it very clear that Jewish religions are exempt, and this theory is only for the goys and their false religions!

  12. It is ironic that Northwestern U included in its founding, a group of Methodist leaders. I wonder how its founders would feel about what the university is teaching, now?

  13. Do you wonder how this could be used to ban Christians from owning firearms? Just declare Christianity as a mental illness… this was done in the former Soviet Union.

  14. I am a Christian. But I do have to admit that the Fundamentalist sect (mainly Independent Fundamental Baptists) do have very questionable beliefs. Just listening to a few of them on YouTube and Sermon Audio has made me wonder how they became preachers, based on their bad Bible interpretations, Bible verse twisting, bizarre reasoning, terrible debate skills, bad research, constant sarcastic bad attitudes and sometimes beliefs that virtually no one else teaches, not even 100 years ago. Many of these pastors are also guilty of sexual and emotional abuse. And many endorse the book To Raise Up A Child which encourages child abuse. It kind of amuses me since the IFB Christians constantly brag how they are the most authentic, Godly Christians.

    Some of these bizarre beliefs from different Fundamentalists include:

    Church buildings are unbiblical.

    Dating is unbiblical.

    Having a Sunday school and nursery at church is unbiblical. Children must listen to the pastor even if the message isn’t age appropriate.

    Taking a vacation is sin.

    Don’t go to the beach because you might be tempted to stare at women in swimsuits.

    Jesus was in the forth dimension such as when He walked on water.

    Don’t send your children to a Christian camp because they might secretly look at porn there. And they shouldn’t go to a Christian school either, they ought to learn everything from their parents only.

    Homosexuals can’t get saved.

    It’s not just Fundamentalists. Even Dominionst Christians (New Apostolic Reformation) have plenty of weird beliefs themselves.

    I know the study didn’t really get the right kinds of people. But still, it doesn’t take long to figure out that certain Christians really do have strange ideas and probably shouldn’t be preaching.

    • As a fundamentalist Christian of 52 years, I MUST disagree with much of what you’ve said in this post. First of all, Independant Baptists are not a sect; they’re a recognized denomination within Christendom. Seventh Day Adventism is a sect, as is United Pentecostalism. I was raised within an Independent fundamentalist Baptist church, and attended one of their schools. The stuff you cite here is almost all totally foreign to me; shocking actually! I didn’t know there were people who thought like that!

      I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not, but many YT videos are being seriously edited and manipulated to say things that preachers and others are NOT saying. Check this out: Beyond Fake News – Fake Video Could Make You Question Everything You See . I cannot and WILL NOT defend all online preachers, because a great many of them are scam artists, or way out in left field. They don’t know if their backsides were bored, punched out, or if they were formed around them when it comes to theological matters. Talk money and investments, and they show their true colors, but NOT ALL are like that! We still have a few godly and genuine preachers who are trying to fight against the mainstreams of heresy and apostasy.

      Church buildings may be “unbiblical” to you, but for those groups of Christians who gather, most homes cannot accommodate the numbers, therefore, for centuries, a common meeting place/house was/is necessary. One can do much more as a body of believers when they have a larger facility in which to do things, e.g. musical programs, skits, funerals, weddings, and other celebrations.

      Years ago, my particular church taught that dating WAS/IS biblical, and was strongly encouraged, so I don’t know where you’re getting this from. If wing nuts are teaching this, then they have departed from the fundamentals of Christianity.

      We always had an age appropriate Sunday school, and the pastor preached age appropriate messages, as did I.

      As for being tempted at the beach…a fundamentalist born again Christian doesn’t put their eyes on hold until beach weather arrives! Go to any local store, a bank, or any other public place and there’s as much flesh exposed there as on any beach! The hellevision makes sure that the average person gets their daily dose of skin, but the Muslims will look after that in short order, as they take over more and more each day. They’re the ones you REALLY should be concerned about; not only are they fundamentalist fanatics, but they are conscience-less killing machines! If you’re a woman, you’ll be thrilled to know that girls and older women are being raped by these single thugs because they’re showing more skin than what a black tent over them would show; that’s your future. Ind. Baptists don’t force their opinions or Biblical views upon anyone who doesn’t want to hear them or abide by them; Muslims DO!

      I don’t know of any Church that wouldn’t allow children to go to a church camp, and if there are such, then they truly do have problems, but they DO NOT represent the rest of us Bible-believing/practicing doctrinal Christians. Those who teach that homos cannot be saved are not that well informed; Christ came to change lives for the better, freeing the prisoner and others who are in bondage to whatever sin. One sin is no worse than all the others; in God’s eyes, all sin is sin and can be forgiven…if they repent and want His forgiveness and mercy. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Rom. 3: 23

      Yes, I agree, there are MANY preachers behind pulpits whose “father is the devil”, but we don’t write-off ALL fundamental Christians for the sins or wrongs of others. Christ doesn’t do that, and neither should we! We do not write off a whole segment of the population because there happens to be thieves, jealous people, self-righteous people, pedophiles and rapists among them. Everyone is redeemable if they want to be redeemed.

      Something that most “Christians”/church goers are not aware of is that their churches have been infiltrated and overtaken by counterfeit/Satanic bibles. All “bibles” apart from the KJV or the KJVER (Easy Read) are counterfeit modern messes/per-versions, that were severely edited and introduced to the churches since the early 1950’s. The Satanic and Lesbian revisionists admit to doing this! I have 29 typewritten pages showing the errors, omissions, and additions that they have committed, thereby, trying to discredit the Holy Bible. It appears they’ve successfully hoodwinked millions of unsuspecting folks. They have cleverly changed the verb tenses of many words, thereby changing biblical doctrines. They have also left out whole passages, demoted Christ, AND have removed the word “blood”, without which there can be no remission /forgiveness of sins! See: Heb. 9: 22, 28, and 10: 4, 10. I no longer attend an organized church because of these “bibles”.

      I was blessed to have a very godly pastor way back in the 70’s, who was wise and wary, therefore, warning us to avoid these imposters. Many do not have such pastors today, who were truly “watchmen on the wall”, and their congregations and communities are suffering as a result of it. Many who were warned, forgot those warnings and bought into the lie of these phony bibles. Many preachers and bible teachers today, were born long after the warnings were being issued and have never heard them. Therefore, they have fallen for the lie that the modern messes are easier to read and to understand; NO, they’re NOT! Some of them have replaced easy words like “prince” for “satrap”; what in the world is that? How often is that word used in our day-to-day conversation? How is that easier to read? Some versions have replaced “oak” with “tamarisk”, again…same question! When I try to show mistakes in the modern messes to pastors, they won’t even look at it! They don’t want to know the truth!

      So, in conclusion, if you have problems with “bad Bible interpretations, Bible verses “, that is clearly evident in the modern messes they call “bibles” these days, then I understand where you’re coming from. Further to that, they not only contradict the Holy Bible (KJV), but they seriously contradict each other!

      I ask you, how many correct versions of the truth can there be? If you told me something which was the truth and I then told someone else, and eventually it was told to 20 other people, by the time it got back to you, there would be 22 versions of the truth! Your original statement wouldn’t be recognizable by the time it got back to you. I’ve done that little experiment to prove it! That’s what’s happening with all these per-versions of the Holy Bible that are being peddled out there! When man manipulates the Holy and sacred Scriptures, interjecting their own thoughts, opinions, and snippets from corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts, etc., then we can expect there will be problems in understanding and practice. We can expect there will be disagreements and divisions. I remember a time when fundamentalists were the norm, and the world was a very sane and safe place in which to live; it’s not that way anymore. As the “salt of the earth” people (fundamentalists) go on to their eternal rewards, evil prevails in liberalism, humanism, and socialism. This is the reason why we’re in the sorry state of affairs that we are today. There are fewer and fewer people who possess the real Word of God, and many of them refuse to stand up for Jesus anymore because they are a minority, and their faith in God’s power to deliver and to keep them safe is getting weaker. Many have been fighting for Him for so long, that they are now tired out, and ready to hand the gauntlet over to the younger ones, who wouldn’t recognize truth if it slapped them aside the head, much less be strong and determined to stand up for and to defend it!

      It bothers me, that you call yourself a “Christian”, but don’t appear to know what a fundamentalist is. Many people call themselves “Christians”, and they mock Christ when they do that. Many have NEVER cracked a Holy Bible open, to see what it actually does say. Many people have gone to church all their life and have gone to Hell because they were church-goers, not born again, Spirit-filled Christians. A fundamentalist is one who believes the Holy Bible from front to back, trying to apply it to their daily lives, as best as they can, with the enabling and equipping power of the Holy Spirit. Having said that, without fundamentals in theology, science, law, or running a business, one doesn’t have anything upon which to stand, to trust, or to practice. “Every man did that which was right in his own eyes”, Judges 17: 6. When that happens, anarchy rules, and people get hurt and killed…the same applies spiritually…innocent, God-seeking folks are being led to the spiritual slaughter house by their pastors, evangelists, etc., believing they truly have the word of God, when really, they have a counterfeit! When one’s practices and principles come from a counterfeit theology, they can become derailed right at the start. It’s all about having a proper biblical foundation upon which to build upon, being led by the Holy Spirit.

      The ones who have the real genuine Word of God, are the ones who are thinking clearly, and still have the ability to be critical thinkers and reasoners, discerning what is God’s Word and what isn’t. The Holy Bible calls this, “rightly dividing the truth”. Those that you refer to who are not able to debate are church-goers, not Christians! There’s a huge difference! A mouse trapped in a cookie jar for six weeks doesn’t make him a cookie, anymore than a person who has gone to church for 60 years is a Christian! To be a Christian is to have a personal relationship with God Almighty, through the Son, Jesus Christ, John 1: 12; 3: 5,-7, 16, 17; 14: 6. When one possesses the Holy Spirit, we always have an answer for questions and can hold our own in a debate. To compare us to those who are following errant bibles, is to compare apples to oranges. God’s Word is pure, preserved, and practical, and when kept in context, is our lifeline to eternal life. I hope this helps you to see that we are not all crazy, over-zealous, bigoted, or self-righteous. When the truth be told, it was these “fundamentalists” who made many medical discoveries, started hospitals, orphanages, universities (which have now long since forgotten their beginnings and founders), social welfare system for the poor, etc. As these fundamentalists go on to their eternal reward, these wonderful organizations and infrastructure are going the way of the do-do bird, and communism is being encouraged to take over and to supplant rights and freedoms that N. America has enjoyed ever since it was populated by indigenous people and Europeans. I hope this helps you to see that we are not the ones who are “calling the shots”, and judging and hurting people.

        • You’re more than welcome, Martha! Someone has to stand up for Jesus, and I’m glad I still can!


    • I concur with you Dj, but as well as me and you will be categorised under one place, CRAZY by these scientists.

    • Maybe a lot of fundies seem to be irrational, but I’m willing to bet they’re not the ones mostly responsible for the decline of Western civilization. I’m willing to bet more often than not it’s the seculars, with their “progressive” social and political views which are getting more intrusive by the day and taking society with them.

  15. I didn’t read in the article that it was for specific born again Christians,but all Christians who are not ‘ progressive enough’. This would include Amish, bCatholics, as well others who practice authentic Christianity passed on down through the ages, with the Catholic church being the oldest. This report is ludicrous and shows how clearly we are to the trials, and tribulations written in the Holy Book. God bless us everyone.

    • Lisa, maybe it was a typo, but what is a “bCatholic”? Are you referring to the Roman Catholic church as “being the oldest?

      • Many today still believe that the Catholic is the first church. I always teach,that the shadow of the church of God is visible in the wilderness with Pastor Moses and that Church is fulfilled in the book of Acts. I don’t mean to be judgemental as often Christians are labelled, but since Christ ordered me to judge righteous judgment, brethren, the catholic church came into the picture stark naked with a doctrine that was contrast to the Church of God in the book of Acts. Being the same whore referred to in the book of Revelation, the same doctrine is getting stronger and stronger that some protesting against it on one hand are preaching it and living by it on the other hand.This is the same doctrine of Jannes and Jambres that these scientists are led by.Let us remain true to our faith,to the point of persecution and death.

  16. But this study isn’t about Islam, though we see the results of their beliefs. Only about Christians who are passive lambs. This world goes more upside down daily, and it’s gaining speed.

  17. 1 Corinthians 3:19, “For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. for it is written, ‘He catches the wise in their craftiness,’ ” or Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” And don’t forget that Proverbs 8 is the Wisdom chapter.

  18. Amazing how unbiased this research was!!!! Tell me what about those Saties who sacrifice humans t their monster-like god???? Brain damage there???? What about Budhists who float off the ground and hum like bees????? Hindus who dont want to mind their on “monkey business” and attack Christians for no good enough reason???? Brain damage there???????? If the scientists are so god-like, how come after so many years and they can still not prove that God does NOT exist?????? Come on !!! Why so slow????? Brain damage maybe. Let’s include them in the study please!!!!!!!!!!! The list can go on you know!!!!!

  19. Meanwhile, gays and transexuals are normal, the unborn aren’t human, vaccines don’t cause autism, GMOs are fine, and the world is billions of years old, and liberals are overall better people.

    Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up

    • The insane asylum inmates now run the planet, and it gets pretty frustrating to say the least. Christ will iron out the wrinkles when He sets up His kingdom here for 1.000 years. He’ll take a lot of them out during the Great Tribulation too. They won’t think they’re so smart then!

  20. Besides the obvious aversion toward Chridyianity, this also may be a means for gun purchase screening. Psychological screening will be done, as well as other tests, to determine if one may purchase a firearm. Since many Americans claim to be Christian, and if these data skewed findings stuck, then they will be using this to disapprove a claimed Zchristian from purchasing a firearm. The timing goes hand in hand.

  21. Superficial understanding of the Bible is misunderstanding the Bible. Fundamentals might be a shallow understanding of the Bible. E.g. It looks like God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Actually, God was telling Abraham to end the practice of child sacrifice in Ur of the Caldees. “I and the boy will return.” Another example. People think Jesus multiplied food, when really he got others to share what they brought by insisting the disciples share what they brought. Those empty baskets had been full when they were brought. Women are not stupid. Another example: Some teach that Jesus was separated from His Father on the cross when He said, “My God, my God, why have Youforsaken me?” He actually was reciting the entire psalm which latter says, no matter what, God will never forsake us. Scriptures are a very deep well, not a puddle in which to wet one’s feet.

    • Maybe I’m misunderstanding you, Lenny, and please forgive me if I am; I’ve been a “fundamentalist” for 52 years. Fundamentalists are the only ones who truly understand what the Bible says, because we are born again of the Spirit. We are very careful to consider what the Scriptures have to say about any subject in totality, keeping Scriptures within their context. I really don’t know what your comment has to say in relation to the article. Am I missing something?

      • In the churches with which I associate, lots of denominations, the word “fundamentalist” is not a positive word. People think they are shallow thinkers, not faithful lovers of and readers of and students of God’s Word. We can change that by studying and understanding God’s Word better and on a deeper level than anyone else. We can identify ourselves with words that are not counter-productive, an unhelpful turn-off for many wonderful people. I don’t know what those words would be. Perhaps, “Students Of The Word,” or “Lovers Of The Word,” or “Disciples Of The Word.” Some words, temporarily, have lost their usefulness through confusion. Take the perfectly good word “gay.” “Gay” means “joyful and light-hearted,” but has temporarily been given a different meaning. Some words lose their accuracy and helpfulness. Just my opinion. I could be wrong :). No offense intended!

        • No offense taken, Brother! I no longer like to call myself a “Christian” for the same reason. I, and those around me, prefer to call ourselves believers, because a good believer should be a doer also. Blessings!

  22. I wonder why scientists and the secular world are so dead set against christianity? I also think,they need to examine their own prejudices,because this is an ongoing issue!Why do hateful towards christians?

    • In answer to your question, Gene, they are children of their father, the devil, just as Jesus told the religious leaders of His day. Same old arguments, but modernized with the evolution theory and baseless arguments. They cannot answer a single question, “Where did the matter come from that exploded?” The spark of life? Emotions? Intellect? The “smart ones”, w/o lesions are also w/out answers to these simple questions! PTL!

  23. This “study” again proves along with many other similar examples that Academia is really the Devil’s playground. Want to know where Satan lives, just go to you local university or college and Europe where this “Study” was done. Academia hates God and our hope with the passion of Satan because Academia and European culture is the embodiment of Satan’s actions.

    • Amen, Chris, and I discourage as many as I can from wasting their money and going into debt with student loans to attend these indoctrination centers!

  24. “Astonishingly rather than believe in a creator, science would have us believe that humanity originated from either comet dust, Martians, and or have evolved from absolutely nothing.”

    It’s none of those. Those scientists (so called) believe the GREAT AMOEBA!

    • Delusion is a pretty strong after effect of successful propaganda campaigns and brainwashing, eh!

  25. This study has no bearing. Born again Christians aren’t born again because of human will or decision but rather according to God’s sovereign will.

    • It’s pseudo-science, Jim, but when the people hear it repeated often enough, they will believe it. Brainwashing is so subtle and easily done to those with weak minds and no ability to reason. Stick enough letters behind one’s name, whether legitimate or not, and they will be presented as an “expert in the field”, and then the witch hunt will begin. This time, the witches are getting their revenge upon innocent and law-abiding people. The media, the government, and the majority of churches these days are the best tools the enemy has in his arsenal. We’ll keep looking up to Jesus, the Author and the Finisher of our faith! Either by rapture or by the grave, we are going to be seeing Him in the very near future! PTL!

  26. Many Christian scientists are among us who have been threatened to remain silent of their solid conviction of a Holy God and Creator of the universe! Many have been threatened over career… job loss and retirements destroyed!

    • I know! One only has to watch the DVD, “Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed”, by Ben Stein, to see that your statement is very true! I highly recommend this DVD! It’s a real eye-opener, and may be able to be seen on YT:

      Muzzle those in the know, and you have dominated society! Please share. Blessings!

  27. This is trash science. Figures it was conducted by the crack pots at Northwestern university. Not only is it offensive it shows the complete delusion of the world we live in today. One step closer to making Christians and other people of faith sub-human. Atheists are so arrogant!

  28. ahahahaha you really a jooke scientist. scientist bad vs scientist good. that will be mean the half of planet have a brain damage?? ahhaahahahah you really a jooke!!! the gardbage for the humanity !!!!

  29. Evolutionists are up a creek without a paddle when they declare that our rational minds come from the non-rational.

  30. So how do you explain my strong traditional beliefs in God and my bible but my multiple brain scans since 2010 that I have had for a neurological condition show NO lesions on my brain ANYWHERE.

  31. The paper says that people with (specific) brain damage tend to religious fundamentalism, you can’t turn it around to say that religious fundamentalists have brain damage.

    It’s like if the paper says that all cats are mammals, you couldn’t say that all mammals are cats!

    This is a logical fallacy called ‘affirming the consequent’ and if you’re writing news based on scientific papers, I would suggest you get someone with an understanding to check your writing before posting, because it’s clearly flawed reports like this that undermine people’s trust in Christian news and it damages Christians everywhere.

    • The Paper says that they have linked religious fundamentalism to a brain lesion.. In other words, the researchers are attempting to come up with where religious fundamentalism comes from and according to them they are saying that religious fundamentalism is caused by a brain lesion (brain damage.)

    • This article certainly puts Islamists/Muslims in this category, and I wonder what the very serious ramifications it will have for those real extremists?
      Building a wall won’t keep them out, but it WILL keep them in, making Americans “fish in a barrel” to be shot at. Easy pickin’s! Christians don’t run around killing innocent people, so it is safe to conclude that we don’t have “brain lesions” but a pure conscience!

  32. This is interesting. When the aliens/demons arrive we Christians are raptured. The demons will maintain that we were brain damaged and had to be taken out en masse. Not surprised.

      • Hi. Saw your screen name! You post on the NTEB website as we!l? I agree with you. Lift our eyes upward our redemption draws high!!. Ever been on website called:End times headlines. Same stories NTEB in on there but a little earlier and some I never see on NTEB. Have a great day. See you in the clouds!!!!!?!???

        • Yes, Terri, that is me; you caught me! J I like to minister wherever God leads me, and I recently found this site, among others. I have to be very careful, because a huge chunk of my work day can be taken up commenting, reading comments, and reading sooo many pertinent news stories! Terri, I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time…are you related to Tom and Nita Horn from SkywatchTV? I really enjoy their ministry too!

          Yes, soon and very soon, we are going to see the King and He’ll straighten this whole sordid mess out. I believe it’s very appropriate that the Jews were told to watch for a MESSiah! Only He can clean this mess up, as you’ve heard me say before! Continue to burn brightly for Him, and it’s a pleasure sharing this platform with you! Maranatha!

    • You can sure count me in; the wisdom He imparts is far superior to that which most people believe they possess. Praise the Lord! We were once in that camp.

  33. I am a PROUD Christian Fundamentalist and if that means I am “Brain Dead” then I say Glory, Glory, Glory, How I worship my LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. I will wear the Brain Dead Theory with Honor. Even So, COME LORD JESUS. Your “true” Church is ready.

    • That’s the Spirit, Sister! I’m one of those crazies too, but one day, along side of you and many others, I’ll be wearing crowns, whilst they will have nothing but flame resistant dunce hats and hot seats! Blessings!

  34. I’d rather believe in God and be wrong when I die than to not believe and find I was wrong all along. Believing in God is of no consequence, not believing on the other hand is of great consequence if you’re wrong.

    • Besides, we have nothing to lose! Being brain damaged has given me such a peace, purpose, and joy that the world didn’t give to me, and it cannot take away! Bless God! Let’s keep that torch of victory held high until the very end! It’s so good to know that we are not really alone in this fight!
      I get so encouraged when I read determined statements like I see here today!

      “Many who never smoked a day in their life but warmed a church pew for many years will smoke forever in the lake of fire.”

  35. Let’s remember that those that say we only use 10% of our brain are the same ones that use 10% of theirs. This is why they come up with stupidity like this.

    • Still laughing! That’s so true! Soon, we’ll be able to use 100% of our brain, while they sit on a stump, with dunce caps in their hands, wondering how they could’ve been so stupid! Blessings!

  36. I wouldn’t be so quick to get on the bandwagon of saying Vietnam vets have brain injury, past generations have fought world wars and many biblical figures were “veterans” as well. Veterans are labeled as such for a good reason, they are veterans at military training and war fighting, and it is important to have them around when the enemies start landing on the beach.

    • Travis, it’s too bad we didn’t have many more of the aged veterans around; they knew how to get a job done, and they fearlessly did it! They are not like a great many of the “veterans” we have in Canada. Many of them have never seen combat, but were injured while deployed. To me, that doesn’t make one a veteran unless they were in active combat. I could be wrong, but we sure do need some with the cahoonies to stand up for what is right these days! There aren’t enough young people who would do this; most don’t even know what country they’re in! Blessings!

  37. (1 Corinthians 1:18 KJV) For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

    Once again the Bible is proven true.
    No doubt these researchers are liberals proving once again that liberalism is a suicidal mental illness. They will perish.

    • Yes, Eddie, true on both counts. “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” Rom. 1: 22 Blessings!

  38. If they call suffering from the “Stockholm Syndrome” a mental disease, then they are correct. Any time anyone buys into a program so convoluted as religions have become, they ARE literally suffering “SS”. Just because you have been inculcated with those beliefs since you were a baby, is no longer an excuse for buying into a system of thinking that has lost its value as a control mechanism over the people.
    Religion was designed for exactly that, a Control Mechanism to be used against the people.
    If you like buying into the idea that your Yahweh was a god instead of an Alien psychopath, then you really have lost your minds, and it IS time to start looking at life with logic instead of looking at it through the eyes of a child. Adults are supposed to be rational. Do you actually believe that believing in a god when we have alien craft circling our earth, RATIONAL? Donald Trump is just now trying to put together a “Space Force”, like the Air Force. Why do you think that is ?
    Time to wake up my friends, your Gods are here and they are not at all what your bible had you believe they are.

    • @Rumplestiltskin, that you feel compelled to mock & attack the beliefs of others is a hallmark sign of emotional insecurity. You state that “adults are supposed to be rational” yet the content of your comments demonstrate the irrational, desperate rantings of a petulant child. You don’t even believe the foolish, vile bilge your own mouth vomits forth!

    • Thanks for your input, Rumple! I agree with you…religion was designed to control the masses. That’s why I serve the Lord Jesus Christ! He’s not a religion, nor even a religious figure, as way too many have painted Him to be! He’s my Creator, Savior, Lord, and best friend, who has promised to never leave me or forsake me! Every promise He has made in His Word, has come precisely to pass! That’s a lot more than our government can do, wouldn’t you say? I love God (Yahweh) because I have a personal relationship with Him through Christ (Yeshua), and let me tell you, my friend, there is nothing like it! When He quietly enters my spirit and says, “Son, I love you; you’re doing a great job of serving Me! Keep up the great work!” nothing can compare! It’s better than a Reese’s peanut butter cup by far and I loooove those!

      FYI, truly born again Christians are the most logical, discerning, and law abiding people in the world! We are awake and alert to what is going on. Seriously, you should read the KJV of the Holy Bible (all others are counterfeits), starting with the Gospel of John, and really get to know this Jesus Fella! He’s everything He says He is! I’m so glad I did 52 years ago!

    • Sad. The touchstone of modern “science”, is peer review. The very same sociological peer dynamic, that this fairytale moniker bearing commenter calls Stockholm Syndrome.

      • I sure hope He comes for us soon, Diane! This old world is getting uglier by the minute, and not a very friendly place for a sane person to even want to live in anymore. Blessings!

    • Dan, if the Rapture doesn’t happen first, and I believe it will, we will not only be disarmed like the Jews were in Hitler’s day, but we too, will be rounded up and exterminated. This has been going on in the Middle East for quite a few years. In fact, in Muslim countries, Christians are butchered like hogs and served up in the meat market for human consumption! I rest in the “Blessed Assurance” that our God has everything under control, and He cannot forget us, because we are eternally engraved in the palms of His nail-scarred hands! Blessings!

  39. Good little Trotsyite Bolsheviks still hating God after all these years …. dreaming of the Holomodor probably.

    • Angus, if only they all knew that there truly is a much better master than the one they are serving now! What a wonderful world it would be, but it’s not in God’s plan of redemption. He has everything under control, and we’ll “occupy till (He) comes, leading others to a saving knowledge and faith in Jesus! No matter what comes our way, always remember this: Glance at your circumstances; stare at the Savior! Blessings!

  40. To know GOD is the begining of all wisdom!!!
    That scientists is a fool!!!
    And his reserts is no value at all!!!

    • You’re a wise person! We are soooo blessed to know Him, and to hold to the promise of His coming! Never once has God ever broken a promise, so let’s cling to Him as never before! It could be a rough and bumpy ride before we ride on clouds to take us Home! “The fool has said in his heart, There is no God.” Psa. 53: 1. We have plenty of evidence of that all around us, but we have God within us, through Christ Jesus, His Son! Blessings!

  41. when it comes too pass turning to god is our only option share the word bring your family and love one for its better to be made a fool of in front of man then in front of god we all must stand before god so isnt better to have that you helped someone out or prayed to some one you dont really like ? so stand up and be made whole in god. with everything thats happened. the kingdom of god is the best option….
    the choice is yours i hope to see you when the rapture takes place and dont take the mark of the beast if your left behind

    • Thanks for the encouragement, brother Gravediggaz333! I don’t plan on being here after the Rapture, but if we are rounded up, as it appears to be quite likely, your encouraging advice should be the mantra of the day! Stay close to God, pray for your family, as we’ll all be separated, and make sure our hearts are right with Him! Blessings!

  42. This is nothing more than biased pseudo-science at it’s best! They have to come up with some reason for rounding up good, moral and upright citizens. I wonder how the Muslims will fare in the same kind of “study”? Hmm….Not very well, methinks; extermination may be on our combined fronts.

  43. These are the foolish that live in complete darkness trying to destroy something that is impossible, our Lord Jesus Christ. He’s having a good laugh. It’s been going on for centuries…. they need to hang it up … they are looking like fools and not the scientist they say they are.

    • So true, Kathy, but the problem is…they have so many followers, and they’re all going to fall into the ditch together on Judgment Day. In the meantime, we can pray that some of them will come to know Christ as their Savior and Lord. We always hear the negative stuff about scientists, but there are a number of them who are Christians, so we should pray for their peace and safety also. We can pray that they may be instrumental in bringing other scientists to Christ! Wouldn’t that be awesome! Blessings!


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