By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: October 26, 2015  Updated: April 29, 2018 at 8:50 am EST
The End of Youtube News is Upon Us All Youtube Red Dawn Will Kill The Truth Movement
The End of Youtube News is Upon Us All Youtube Red Dawn Will Kill The Truth Movement

This spells disaster for us all, and it all begins October 28th 2015. Is it a coincidence that this day is also a human sacrifice day? Being that youtube has labeled their new “subscriptions” red, which can be labeled as blood. It is quite odd that the new plan also ties into ritualistic sacrifice.

YouTube made its top video creators an offer they literally couldn’t refuse, or they’d have their content disappear. Today YouTube confirmed that any “partner” creator who earns a cut of ad revenue but doesn’t agree to sign its revenue share deal for its new YouTube Red $9.99 ad-free subscription will have their videos hidden from public view on both the ad-supported and ad-free tiers. That includes videos by popular comedians, musicians, game commentators, and DIY instructors, though not the average person that uploads clips.

It’s a tough pill to swallow that makes YouTube look like a bully. Though turning existing fans into paid subscribers instead of free viewers could earn creators more than the ad revenue, forcing them into the deal seems heavy-handed.

[Update 10/23/15: The takedowns have already begun. Today ESPN had to remove most of its videos from all versions of YouTube in the US. Because its other contracts prevent it from being on subscription services like Red, ESPN’s videos are now disappearing from the ad-supported tier of YouTube in the US.]

Google says the goal is to offer consistency, so people thinking about subscribing to Red don’t have to worry about their favorite content not being available in the ad-free service. But there’s no explanation why it couldn’t just flag videos of those who don’t sign the deal as “Not On Red”, and instead had to go with a sign-or-disappear strategy.

Works Cited

Josh Constine. “YouTube Will Completely Remove Videos Of Creators Who Don’t Sign Its Red Subscription Deal.” TechCrunch. . (2015): . .



  1. My Spirit has sensed it for a few years, it’s painful to see the truth. As we watch the take over, I feel like that frog in the pot. It’s sad that the information is so gut wrenching that people would choose to ignore it, and stay ignorant, instead of researching it for themselves. Thank you, stay safe, and I pray The Lord keep a Holy hedge of protection around you and your family. You know the enemy is seriously p.o’d. Again thank you for not being slacker.

    • nrg4him, you shouldn’t feel like the frog in the pot. You know what’s going on. I get frustrated too that people would rater put their heads in the sand, than to see the truth. It gives me hope that there are people like you, who can see past all the B.S.

  2. Still waiting for my reply to show up. typed it in about 1 1/2 hours ago. Said it had to go through a moderator. Really Nate.

  3. Nate,IF you need cash,GIVE us an address,we’ll send it to you,WE completely support you,NOW let us do that,OH,don’t worry about YOUTUBE,the LORD told me HES going to DELETE all those who delete his warnings,google is famous for that,their end is in the sky right now…hey I hit your site everyday Nate,just put a mailing address like bob barber does…..see ya……

  4. You know these new policies being implemented by the man, only really means one thing…. We go around them. Simply create a new better free youtube with more options and better quality and we just bypass theyre chokehold. We need to realize that were in control and we hold the power. Without us they dont exist. We can create anything. Let them drown in there beraucracy.

    • I get your point Mark but everyone is always looking for free content. By making things free it just means more ads. There are a couple of these free websites that I won’t mention, that I used to like to visit. However one of them is so chocked full of ads that the site is unusable, It slows things to such a crawl or just crashes the browser. And of course with the Government’s FCC now controlling bandwidth and content and soon to be under control of the UN, it make’s it even worse for site’s, that inform the public of things, they don’t want you to know. I would have been more than happy to pay 4 or 5 bucks a month, to keep the ads in check and keep the site usable. Gotta put your money where your heart is man. At $3.00 a month, I’ll give it a try for a month or two. I liked the content on You-Tube, I have no doubt I’ll be disappointed here. Just a few things to think about.

    • Exactly what are we waiting for. Aren’t there any wealthy conservatives willing to foot the initial bill. How about Adelson or Singer???


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