By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: Published: September 23, 2015  Updated: September 23, 2015 at 4:40 pm EST

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This is yet another large display of symbolism from the puppets of the “elite” themselves: the pope and Barack Obama. The main focal point of discussion is climate change and the symbolism that is on display is nothing less than expected based on past announcements. The article read in the video above comes from CNN, every news organization is following the arrival of the pope very closely.

Climate change is the biggest hoax since global warming. Climate chaos has been warned about by even people such as, the French Foreign Minister. In fact, the Frenchman stated “we have 500 days until climate chaos.” Well, that bell rings within hours, and only time tells just what will happen.

Climate change is not organic. It is manufactured by the governments and corporations to drive profit. Climate change will be the excuse for the depopulation of the planet, through the manipulation of weather and earth activity. All of which shows us that throughout history mankind has not learned the lesson that playing God is not a good idea!

The Pope is Here And They Just Announced The Depopulation Of The Planet
The Pope is Here And They Just Announced The Depopulation Of The Planet

For more information please watch the video posted above.


Washington (CNN)Pope Francis immediately dove into the whirlpool of U.S. politics on Wednesday, using his first direct address to the nation to weigh in on deeply divisive issues including climate change, Cuba, marriage and immigration.

The pontiff, speaking before 11,000 ticketed guests at an elaborate welcoming ceremony on South Lawn of the White House, signaled he will not steer clear of controversial issues during his six-day visit. He climbed aboard an open-sided Popemobile later in the morning to parade before tens of thousands of cheering people lining the streets around the White House.

In remarks delivered slowly in accented English at the White House, Francis said he was ready to listen to the “hopes and dreams of the American people” and to offer guidance to those charged with shaping the nation’s political future “in fidelity to its founding principles.” And in comments that could antagonize Republicans, Francis endorsed President Barack Obama’s efforts on climate change and rebuilding ties with Cuba after more than half a century of estrangement.


  1. Oh, my…Obama has his hand over his heart as if he is pledging to the flag which he fails to do many times to the actual flag.

  2. The Pope is a TOOL and LYING Fear. And CONTROL Monger just like obaastard. Anyone that follows this idiot “pope” is a severely unintelligent idiot and they are playing right into Obama’s plan to destroy America and take over the world. They bith are pure scum!

  3. I saw some of the parade at work during lunch, my word the news anchors on MNBC were gushing ALL over the place. Blah.


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