Recent policy shifts within the White House suggest that the US is entering back onto the war path.

Within 100 days of Trump in office, the President bombed Syria, not ISIS but the government of Syria, brought America to the brink of war with North Korea, and now is sending more troops to Somalia. Sound familiar?

The plan was called seven countries in five years by Retired 4-star U.S. Army General Wesley Clark. The plan was for the USA to go into “Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan & Iran,” within the time frame of five years. With the exception of it being past five years, it is increasingly evident that once again we are going to go back onto this agenda, but under Trump, it didn’t start with bombing Syria, instead, according to Global Research, it began with the travel ban.

It is worth noting that 6 out of these 7 countries (with the exception of Lebanon) identified by General Wesley Clark “to be taken out” are now the object of President Trump’s ban on Muslims’ entry to the US: Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Libya, Sudan, Iran and Yemen.

All of these countries are on the Pentagon’s drawing board. These countries have been directly or indirectly been the object of US aggression. (M. Ch. GR Editor) – GR

The United States will now send dozens of additional troops to Somalia to train and equip the Somali National Army and the forces participating in the African Union Mission in Somalia there.

The next Somalia deployment will be the largest since since 1993, when 18 US soldiers died in a battle dramatized in the movie Black Hawk Down.

“The objective of this particular train and equip mission is to improve the logistical capacity of the Somali National Army and the focus will be on teaching basic logistics operations, which will allow Somalia forces to better fight al Shabaab,” the spokesman added.

Whether or not the US will further engage against al Shabaab remains to be seen, but the obvious takeaway is that the US is once again further expanding its presence militarily on the World Stage, further leading to a destabilizing world.


  1. Until AMERICA is attacked militarily (hasn’t happened since the CIVIL WAR !!), we should STOP sending troops all around the damned world, playing “global cop”. Put our troops on the southern border, which HAS been under attack by the G.D. drug cartells and other illegal criminal SCUM.

  2. You can trash talk a lot of things, but trash talking ISRAEL. You’re treading on something that GOD said not too. Your going to regret that and be judged by GOD. I’m going to say a prayer for you Chuck!

  3. We are simply reestablishing our role as world leader. Nothing more. This story is just a lot of hype and hysteria. Good place for Trump trolls to hangs out.

    • @Flashback, WHO appointed the US as “world leader” ??? We need to simply SUCCEED as a PROSPEROUS, free and Sovereign nation. Hopefully, other nations will become Republics with directly elected representatives for themselves, following America as an example. THAT is how America should LEAD. By example, NOT buy going to war with nations that have NOT attacked us !!!

  4. aahahaha the American people have been played so bad by Trump and his owners, did you really think the real owners of this planet were going to let a so called Trump come in and stop there 500+ year plan,,,wake up and quit being so naive.

  5. Do you realize that M.O.A.B. bomb we dropped on 36 (alleged) terrorists. cost amerika $8,722,222.00 per (alleged) terrorist? A grand total of $314,000,000.00. ….the war horse continues.

  6. Amerika should mind its own business. Mark my words all the wrong Amerika has done to other countries will eventually come back to u.s.

  7. Donald Trump is a liar, thief, adulterer, and murderer. America is so much like the description of Babylon the Great in Revelation 18 that it will have to be destroyed even if it is not; just to ensure that there is no confusion. America must repent of the sins the Donald represents, that we the people are complicit in, if there is to be any hope of saving this once great nation. The Laodicean Church of America is very reluctant to think of America as the worst evil on the planet, or to see Jerusalem as Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was Crucified, or to see the Ashkenazi Khazarians as the Synagogue of Satan (who say they are Jews, but are not and do lie); and therefore they will avoid repentance. If my daughter converted to Judaism in order to marry a Soros funded Jew and build their business at 666 Park Avenue, I would consider myself an utter failure as a parent, and asking God for forgiveness of the sins I must have committed to lead to such a horrifying act of total apostasy.

    • Agree with you all the way, don’t forget the millions of people murdered(abortions) and continues even to this day. And people actually believe a wall is to keep Mexicans out. It’s the other way around, the Mexicans better hope that wall goes up quick and now. I predict a massive wave of all Americans making a dash for it when they hear the bombs are falling. At that moment of shtf! You will not be able to fly, but you can drive until you can’t no more, and then walk all the way down to South America where the elitest have bought lands to survive.

    • So is obama. An illegal foreigner (forbidden in the Bible), a sodomite, a leftist radical communist, read – lawless bureaucrat, fornicator and murderer.

      And true to his Democrap nature leaves Republicans the greatest mess to straighten out. They always do this.

    • Trump has proven his loyalty to those who allowed him the riches he embraces. The path he is burning shows complete alliance with the very people who are a danger to this nation. The United States (a Country) turned into THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (a Corporation), and now the World’s Reserve Currency Status is being taken away from the Corporation. Therefore, no matter who operates the war dogs in Washington D.C., we will have WAR! There has always been a Major War every single time the World’s Reserve Currency Status has been removed from one nation, and handed over to another. The USA is finished and will no longer be able to input numbers in computers for never ending created out of thin air currency.

      Israel today, is not the Israel of the Bible. Israel is a terrorist nation of evil. America is Israel’s whore who does as her pimp orders.

      All terrorism around the world can always be traced back to either Israel or America.

    • Most people are Biblically illiterate, and I would include the Trumps in that group. He might have some good intentions, but he’s already been co-opted by the Khazarian mafia.


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