By  — @natebro21 —  See Comments
Region: , , , Published: April 7, 2017  Updated: April 12, 2017 at 1:33 pm EST

The unpredictability of the Trump administration brings to light the resolve of the White House and the current state of geopolitics. Previously discussed was the prospect of global multipolarity and since the selection of Donald Trump, the state of international affairs, and current events seek to make a multipolar world a reality.

Globally several crises have struck the new administration, ranging from North Korea to trade, to Syria, to China and so on. The most pressing issues to date just got a massive update, the ongoing crisis in Syria. On the centurial anniversary of the day the United States entered into World War One, the US just about started World War Thee.

On Thursday, April 6th, 2017, as the hands of time drew close to Friday the US dropped 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian base, this is the first direct assault on the Assad regime, and it also marks the day that the US went to war with Syria. What comes next is where the questions begin.

Vladimir Putin of Russia stated the following regarding strikes against Syria;

This move by Washington [the US airstrike on an air base in Syria] has dealt a serious blow to Russian-US relations, which are already in a poor state. Most importantly, this move will not bring us closer to the ultimate goal of combatting international terrorism but will instead create a major obstacle to the establishment of an international counterterrorist coalition and to effective struggle against this global evil, something that US President Donald Trump declared as one of his main goals during his election campaign.

Vladimir Putin regards the US strikes on Syria as an attempt to draw public attention away from the numerous civilian casualties in Iraq.

On Friday, the United States launched Tomahawk cruise missiles at an air base in Homs Province in western Syria.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev also stated the following regarding the airstrikes against Syria; “the US missile strike violated international law,” and added that the US “was on the brink of military clashes with Russia.”

“Instead of their much-publicized thesis about a joint fight with a common enemy, Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL], the Trump administration has proven that it will fiercely fight against the legal government of Syria,” Medvedev wrote on his Facebook page.

The statements disseminated from the Russian regime further conclude the state of geopolitics and multipolarity for one reason, according to Putin and Trump; the two countries were finally going to begin working side by side against terrorism and create a coalition of sorts. However, the rhetoric from both administrations has substantially changed since the original incident which has brought the world to this stage.

What took place in Syria was atrocious, but the question must remain prevalent why would Assad chemically attack his people? – What say you reader?

A multipolar world order is described as;

A system of multipolarity increases rivalry in global politics, the reason being that many states of similar strength compete for power and influence. These countries are often uncertain of other states’ intentions, which increases the probability of military action. Also, the power balance in this type of system is constantly changing, as a result of changing alliances.

Multipolarity denotes the fundamental power structure in an international system dominated by several large powers and is characterized by antagonism between these. – Learn More.

What we just witnessed was a rapid shift in alliances, that abrupt short change has been happening all over Europe as of late as well, which is why China and Europe are increasingly drawing closer and closer to each other in terms of trade, and policy.

The US drifted further from the EU after the selection of Donald Trump because of Trump’s policies and that allowed for China to swoop in. China has made claims that they would like to lead the world stage if the US fails to uphold its position as the dominant superpower on the world stage.

The antagonism felt by the superpowers, and other countries further explains in great depth as to why these are the End Times, and as to why the World is witnessing Wars and Rumors of Wars.

Works Cited

Tyler Durden. “Russian PM: US On Brink Of Military Clash With Russia.” ZeroHedge. . (2017): . .

TOM KUTSCH and MORGAN WINSOR. “Syria, Russia slam US over airstrike on Syrian air base.” ABC. . (2017): . .

Vladimir Putin. “Comment from the Press Service of the President of Russia.” Kremlin. . (2017): . .


  1. I don’t approve of what Donald Trump did, launching 50+ cruise missiles into a country that your were aiding to remove the threat of terrorism and destroying one of the bases is a bold, yet very short-sighted move. It really begs the question, will this move the world closer to WW3? The world is extremely unstable and volatile right now so any more wrong moves, doesn’t matter which side starts it, it ends with billions dying from nuclear war. Yes I can understand the reasoning behind the move, as anyone would be outraged by such a horrific attack against innocent people but this limited strike against Assad was done, not with level-headed thinking but with emotion and there will be consequences as Rand Paul put it. Dire consequences that may just end up killing everyone, because now the MSM and the Left are pushing that it is possible the Russians had a hand in this chemical weapons attack, of which there is no evidence but they are going to push that narrative to force Donald Trump into a corner, making him dance to their tune. Donald Trump is like a single rat that has fallen into a pit of vipers and the chances of him surviving are slim to none, and now things are more complicated and more unstable than ever. God help us all if this really gets ugly.

  2. I find it HIGHLY unlikely, (tho NOT out of the range of “possible”), that Assad would choose this timing…as the Peace conference, (reminiscent of the Vietnam conference…same scenario but Vietnam’s leadership were focused on their conference!), while Assad is a bit different; more self oriented.

    BUT! My research supports the convictions of Dr. Ron Paul, in revealing that #1]Turkey, #2] Saudi Arabia, and the #3] RADICAL ISLAMIST terrorist group, [I cannot remember they’re name], have been revealed as #1] financing, and then #2] assisting the smuggling of the chemical substances, (WMD’s), through turkey, {who whole heartedly assisted the effort}, and into Syria, #3] (to the Islamists); — (as well as 200 kidnapped Syrians NEAR Idlib, by an Al Queda force); set up the entire “FALSE FLAG” to suck the WEST into the Syrian conflict; (as was the ORIGINAL gassing event meant to do)…

    (BELOW is a FULL Intelligence Report, detailing MUCH of the methodology utilized to effectively arm the ISIS friendly ISLAMISTS who caused the 2013, {and now, 2017}, Chemical Attacks):

    Actually, this is simply a SMALL portion of INTEL that has led me to SERIOUSLY BELIEVE that:

    #1] Assad WOULD NOT have gassed his own people.
    #2] That this attack IS a “FALSE FLAG” repeat of 2013.
    #3] AND! That the Admin. had insufficient EVIDENCE to correctly determine that ASSAD HAD, in DEED, or WOULD in DEED, order an attack upon his own people. AND!
    #4] That Trump is being “played”, by advisers that do NOT have our good, nor his good, in mind!

    On the page (of the LINK above, I’ve provided), there are several other INTEL DUMPS and Articles that further support my convictions.

    My UTTER LACK of accepting the “verdict”, BEFORE the “EVIDENCE” is established, is based upon (A) The incredibly OBVIOUS similarity to the 2013 “Gassing Event”, AND (B) This latest action being soooo quick, (without ANY SEMBLANCE of “empirical EVIDENCE”), to bomb the ASSAD Base!…The ONLY difference between B.O.’s [da stink’a], response to the 2013 event, and THIS Trump’s Admins’ response is that B.O. didn’t bomb Syria! He simply “SANCTIONED” it…(which PROBABLY caused the G.P. Syrians the MOST & worst

  3. The chaos in Syria was winding down. The TRAITORS in the Pentagon spent 18 months at $10MILLION a DAY hitting nothing. ISIS continued to hold miles long parades of OUR equipment complete with flags on clear, dry, sunny days, and the TRAITORS in the Pentagon “could not seem to bomb them”. ..……..
    Then the Russians came in and blew the ISIS asses off. Have you noticed the parades ENDED.
    ISIS has ZERO antiaircraft abilities. the TRAITORS in the Pentagon could have dropped bombs from HOT AIR BALLOONS ……. We KNOW who the Pentagon is working for and it is NOT America.

    That would be a “tragedy” for Turkey and Israel who are BOTH genocidally flooding White, CHRISTIAN Europe with muslum invaders …………. that war had to get going again …..
    Israel and Turkey dream of splitting Syria between them ….
    (1) Turkey/Erdogan, dreaming of a new Ottoman Empire, wants Syrian land, Erdogan wants to complete the CONQUEST of Europe that was stopped by SOBIESKI in 1683 …..
    (2) Israel grabbing Syrian land for “greater israel”, creating hell on earth while clearing enemy population from around it’s borders and —-
    (3) America, the “MASTERBLASTER” from the movie “Thunderdome” a giant moron ridden on and directed by Twisted Jewish Dwarves ……..
    Who PROFITS? Who benefits by clearing enemy populations away from their borders so it can steal land for “greater israel” while genocidally flooding CHRISTianity at the same time.
    Israel does not have the NUMBERS to flood Europe so it uses the muslums as SHOCK TROOPS. What do the Jews think of JESUS? “As for Christianity, there is a dispute among Halachic authorities, but the vast majority consider it idolatry …. Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.” Read that last bit again: “Islam, on the other hand, is not considered idolatry.”
    There is no way that millions just start migrating out of the Middle East into Europe because of a sudden impulse to do so, some very powerful supporting group is behind this and it simply is not clear what would be the motivation for such a massive invasion this mass movement of people across European borders IS genocide:
    Send in all these healthy young male muslims under the guise of refugees. Refugees are women and young children and Older men. These young males should be fighting for Their Country. Instead….like I saw posted in the comments section of one of the links posted…..they are a Trojan Horse for some future escapade.

    & — mass migration
    Who has the most desire to empty the Levant of Arabs and send them packing to Europe. You kill so many birds with that one stone it’s irresistible. here Jews are actively AIDDING the invaders.
    Who killed Christ and has HATED His followers for 2,000 years?

  4. America, the “MASTERBLASTER” from the movie “Thunderdome” a giant moron ridden on and directed by Twisted Jewish Dwarves ……..

    Israel has 300+ NUKES — REFUSES inspections —- REFUSES to sign Non-ProliferationTreaty.
    Israel HATES Christianity & GENTILES and denies the Spiritual and Human EQUALITY of NONJews to Jews.
    Israel thinks GREATER ISRAEL should rule the World. “Greater Israel” is all land between the Nile and the Euphrates rivers, Syria, Jordan, most of Saudi Arabia. Greater Israel” requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states. You can find maps they have drawn online.… Did you know what the two blue bands on their flag stand for? The Nile and the Euphrates. Israel (using the Gentile USA) is spreading chaos and fracturing all Civilization in the Peoples immediately around it in order to facilitate a land grab for “greater israel”.
    Israel has “DUAL-citizens”(sayanim) whose true loyalty is to Israel, embedded throughout American government/society. According to the Zionist creed, Israel is the state of the Jews, all the Jews. Every Jew in the world belongs to Israel, even if temporarily residing somewhere else
    If Israel could provoke nuclear apocalypse between America&Russia …..and China ….. BY WAY OF DECEPTION…. Israel would be the ONLY NUCLEAR ARMED SUPERPOWER left………
    Especially if it SNEAK nuked many of It’s HATED/HISTORICAL “enemies” While they are bombing each other.(Germany, Poland, England, Egypt, Iraq, basically ALL gentiles should “bear the YOKE of Israel”)Noted Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld stated that Israel could find itself one day forced to exterminate the European continent using all kinds of weapons including its nuclear arsenal if it felt its demise neared, stressing that Israel also considers Europe a hostile target.
    Does Israel have nuclear missiles aimed at the main world capitals?? — You bet.
    Israel BRAGS about doing similar in Persia/Iran (75,000dead), Jews even CELEBRATE with Purim [slaughter of enemies] and Egypt(all the FIRST BORN CHILDREN)
    David Ben-Gurion, one of the father founders of Israel, described Zionist aims in 1948: “A Christian state should be established [in Lebanon], with its southern border on the Litani river. We will make an alliance with it. When we smash the Arab Legion’s strength and bomb Amman, we will eliminate Transjordan too, and then Syria will fall. If Egypt still dares to fight on, we shall bomb Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo… And in this fashion, we will end the war and settle our forefathers’ account with Egypt, Assyria, and Aram” ………….. read that again
    “and settle our forefathers’ account with Egypt, Assyria, and Aram”
    They are STILL HATING and planning deadly attacks after 3,500+ YEARS .
    How do you think they feel about JESUS CHRIST whom they HATE most of ALL.
    Israel’s MOTTOES:
    (1) NEVER forgive & NEVER forget.
    (2) By Way of Deception you will Do War.
    (3) Their “god” is a WAR god

  5. We now need a solution … we need people to demand it. The current system is leading us to the wrong path. Hanomy Manifesto which can be downloaded/reviewed from a non commercial site has solutions for the problem we are facing worldwide. Hanomy is a new social, financial, and political system for the world. But it will get nowhere if nobody hear or talk about it. It can be implemented in few short years after people of the world demand it. Numbers work now we need the will of the world population. Please help me spread the word of Hanomy. Thank you.
    Highlights of Hanomy:

    • Fundamental human needs met throughout life’s existence
    • Basic human rights observed everywhere
    • Sovereign debts worldwide are settled and eliminated
    • Upheld liberty and freedom
    • Financial contributions drawn from a portion of idle/unutilized money
    • No taxes on income, profit or spending
    • Interest charges and usury practices abolished
    • Power of money creation where it belongs – the people
    • An end to the fractional reserve system
    • Upheld free market principles (true capitalism but with social responsibility)
    • Decreased or dissolved inflation and hyperinflation
    • Reduced income inequality
    • An end to corporate welfare
    • Advanced technology benefiting humanity
    • Freedom of time for quality of life and caregiving
    • Prohibited conditions for authoritarianism
    • Preserved sovereignty and respected borders
    • An end to “modern day slavery” (this includes you)
    • Improved care of the environment and world resources
    • A world we’re proud to claim and pass along


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