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Yearly Archives: 2016

So it Begins: Hurricane Matthew Live Footage

Hurricane Matthew has already killed almost 300 people in Haiti, now it is making landfall in Florida before heading up the coast. However, according to the GFS model - it would appear as though Hurricane Matthew may come back around and hit Florida twice.

The United Nations Just Selected The First Secretary General of The Communist New World...

The UN Security Council just selected António Guterres a socialist and former Portuguese prime minister to be the next Secretary General. In other words, the United Nations just further implemented their communist agenda for a New World Order by selecting a socialist leader.

Gear Up? Russian Newspaper Predicts ‘Direct Military Conflict’ With USA Will Lead to Third...

According to Russian state newspapers, the Syrian crisis stalemate will lead to a ‘direct military conflict’ with the USA; and as a result, the conflict would lead directly to World War Three.

Demonic Martial Law: Ready To Be Arrested For Praying in Your Own Home?

A dark tide is washing upon the USA, ill-informed police officers harassed and arrested a woman for simply praying in her own home.

Propaganda Machine: The Pentagon Paid $500 Million Dollars To Create False Flags and Fake...

The United States has engaged in an information war against its people and the people of the world. The Pentagon paid $500 million dollars to a controversial UK PR firm, which in turn was in charge of a top secret propaganda program in Iraq.

World War 3: Russia Announces 40+ Million Person Military Drill, Hours Later US and...

The USA and Russia have officially suspended all forms of communication over the Syrian Crisis. However, just hours before the dismissal of communications Russia announced they were conducting a military drill

Police State Madness: The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Will Expand To Highways & Train...

The US’s favorite groping agency The Transportation Security Administration, otherwise known as the TSA, is set to expand beyond airports; and will soon grope every individual at bus, train, and marine transportation stations across the US.

Christian Persecution: China launches ‘RELIGIOUS WINTER’ in bid to DESTROY Christianity

Christians in China face yet more restrictions. The communist party is attempting to silence the voices and movement of Christians throughout China.

UN Tweet Exposes the Agenda To Graft the WORLD Into the 2016 Elections

In case it wasn’t evident enough, the UN is backing Hitlary Clinton for this election. But just in case you weren’t sure that the GLOBALISTS were supporting Hillary here is yet more astounding evidence.

The End of Online Free Speech is JUST HOURS AWAY – It’s Now or...

The largest move against online free speech is just days away, and unless Congress intervenes - our ability to speak freely online falls into jeopardy. Within days foreign bodies such as the United Nations, will control ALL access to the internet.

The Biggest Moment in the 2016 Presidential Election – The First Debate Watch Live...

The face-off Monday night between Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump is, for good reason, among the most highly anticipated presidential debates in American history, with new polls showing the contest essentially tied.

Unreal: You Won’t Guess Where the Oldest Hebrew Translation of the Ten Commandments Was...

In an odd turn of events, the oldest Hebrew translation of the Ten Commandments in the world was located somewhere extremely unexpected.

The United Nations Just Officially Announced a Global Communist Takeover, The New World Order Reconvenes

The UN at the seventy-first regular session has aggregated the role of the United Nations in promoting a new global human order into their agenda.

Red Alert: The Satanic Temple To Open International Headquarters in Salem, Massachusetts

The satanic temple is set to open their headquarters in Salem, Massachusetts. The nationally recognized political and religious organization will open the doors of its new command center on Friday, September 23rd, 2016.

So it all Begins in October? Professor Warns “Something Shocking” Set to Rock the...

Coming this October is an 'event' that will shock the United States and the world according to Princeton Professor Julian Zelizer.

The USA Just About Began World War Three in Syria This Past Weekend

The USA ‘accidentally’ bombed an encampment of Syrian troops, and then attempted to distract the world from it’s crimes by commanding ISIS to destroy an aid convoy.

Menacing ‘Whale’s Mouth’ Opens Up Over Chicago, Turned Day into Night

On September 21, 2016, in the morning, a terrifying shelf cloud darkened the sky over Chicago, Illinois within seconds.

By November 2016: The United Nations Will OWN The Globe

More than thirty countries, including the US and China, have sold planet Earth to the Global Elitists. In a sweeping power play, the United Nations will own the climate by the end of November 2016.

Whole New Level of Creepy: MIT Creates Wireless Device That Can Detect Emotions, Heartbeat...

Imagine a world where the government, corporations, Facebook, Google, and other conglomerations can all know your emotions because you own a smartphone equipped with an EQ radio device.

Obama in Final UN Speech Calls For New World Order, “Course Correction” Towards Globalism

Obama in his final address to the United Nations called for a “course correction” towards globalism. In other words, Obama called for the New World Order to rise through globalism. A steady, yet alarming, trend has taken the world by storm, globalism.

The Road to World War 3: Cold War Skeletons Return – Putin To Revive...

Intelligence agencies fight secret wars. Wars in which the public often knows little about, wars in which mainstream media propagandizes its own citizens to keep the sins of the government out of sight.

The End of Everything Has Begun: The New World Order and The Fourth Industrial...

Humanity is sitting on the brink of a New World Order that is coming in the form of a Fourth Industrial Revolution and Sustainable Development.

Former SecDef Hagel: The Globe Is In The Midst of a Historic building of...

The New World Order is actively being built according to former SecDef Chuck Hagel, even though it technically remains a "conspiracy theory.” At the Domenici Forum, this September 2016 Hagel attended and made some staggering remarks about the global order, and how it is reshaping our world.

Christians: Comply with the LGBT Rules or Become Unemployed

A man is standing tall for his faith in Champaign, Illinois against the LGBT mandatory regulations and because of his faith, he may lose his job. This instance sends a message to Christians near and far, comply or be out of work; and that is plainly unacceptable not to mention illegal.

What in the World? ABC News Reports Hillary Clinton Died

Was Hillary Clinton supposed to die at the September 11th, 2016 memorial? A strange report put out by ABC News says that Hillary Clinton died under hospital treatment.

Beyond Symbolic: Rivers of Blood, Streets of Dhaka After Islamic Eid al-Adha Animal Sacrifices...

The Jihadists are coming, the Jihadists are coming; sounds like a modern day Paul Reveres warning. However, back then people listened and took action, today the people of the world just open their doors.

Creating an Agri-Giant: You’ll Never Guess Whose Just “Joined Forces” – Bayer AG &...

Think GMO’s couldn’t get any worse? They just did. Bayer AG agreed on Monday to buy Monsanto for a record-breaking $66 Billion takeover offer.

Scientists Claim Geoengineering is the Answer to Climate Change; Meanwhile Nanoparticles Already Found in...

The hysteria surrounding Climate Change will now set the stage for a full frontal ‘legal' assault brought on by chemtrails and geoengineering.

What Are They Teaching Our Kids? High School Students Dissected BRAINS OF ABORTED BABIES...

Sending your kids to summer camp? Think twice - at the University of New Mexico summer camp staffers allowed high school students, who participated in the camp, to dissect the brains of aborted babies.

Project Crystal Ball? U.S. Military and Intelligence Agencies Dabbles in Forecasting the Future

The US military and intelligence agencies are attempting to dabble in forecasting the future to create what they call a “superforecaster.”

Signs of the End Times: A River in Siberia Inexplicably Turns Blood Red

A River in Siberia, just outside of Russia’s Arctic city of Norilsk has mysteriously turned blood red.

Groundbreaking Study Shows Half of Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemo — NOT Cancer

The cancer patient killer - chemotherapy. A groundbreaking study shows that up to 50 percent of cancer patients die from the drugs, not the disease.

CDC Unveils Forced Vaccination and Quarantine Agenda – Mass Ariel Spraying of The United...

While other doctors still question the legitimacy of the Zika and Microcephaly connection; the CDC and HHS have already formulated a plan that would, in essence, create within the United States a police "enforced vaccination" state.

Creator of D-Wave Quantum Computer Artificial Intelligence is the “altar of an alien god”...

Right now is the beginning of the Artificial Intelligence era, this is the era of quantum computing; this is the period that mankind "stands at the altar of an alien god." That strange deity is being constructed into our reality through artificial intelligence. Mankind is succumbing to the will of the elite, not through warfare - but by the power of convenience. The creator of D-Wave, the CIA-backed quantum computing company, states that being near a Quantum Computer (QC) is like “standing at the altar of an alien God.”
tropical storm hermine

Hermine Makes Landfall in Florida: Leaves 100,000 Without Power Now The Tropical Storm is...

Hurricane Hermine slammed into Florida, unleashed 80mph winds, 12ft storm surges and up to 20 inches of rain. Now, the Tropical Storm is heading for Georgia and the Carolinas.

Economist Magazine 2016: Showcasing The Sun Going Dark, Space Wars, and World War 3

The cover of the Economist magazine for 2015 painted a very dark and grim picture for the future of mankind. However, the 2016 version...

The Heavens: A Nuclear Bomb-Like Cloud Appears Over Siberia, Residents Frightened 

Was a nuclear bomb dropped over Siberia? Or was it a anvil cumulo-nimbus thunderstorm cloud? Residents were frightened that a nuclear war had begun, because of the jaw dropping cloud formation that appeared over Siberia

How to Fight Depression, 4 ways for Christians to be healed and delivered

It's time to fight depression, the Christian way. Here are four must-try methods that can bring you relief from the ever depressing world that...

The ‘Arch of Triumph’ or Entrance to the Temple of Baal is Set for...

What is known as the arch of "triumph" has set London ablaze, and is ready to make an appearance in New York this September. The 'Arch' of Triumph has a well known history, being that it is the "entrance" way to the temple of Baal in Palmyra Syria.

Geopolitical War For Natural Gas Turkish Stream To Set Stage For World War 3...

The geopolitical war currently being waged is for natural resources, such as oil and natural gas. The leading contenders are the USA and Russia, both of which could lead the world directly into World War 3. The Turkish stream is a point of interest for both the USA and Russia because the Stream shows that US sanctions are not holding Russia back in the least.

Walker Mayor To File Lawsuit Against Federal Government Claiming Louisiana Flooding Was Man-Made

The Mayor of Walker, Louisiana is attempting to file a lawsuit against the Federal Government for negligence, citing that the flooding was man-made.

Mixing Technology and The New Age Deception: Virtual Reality Heartbeat Triggers Out-of-Body Experience

The New Age Deception is afoot, and technology is paving the way for an interconnected reality, known as the Hive Mind. Virtual Reality has it’s stake in playing a large role in paving the way towards such a world.

CFR Pushes For New World Order in New Video – Powerful Elitists Attempt to...

While Obama steadily pushes for a global police force within the USA, the CFR announces the push for globalization and a New World Order. In their latest propaganda push, the council on foreign relations attempted to sway the masses using individuals such as Angelina Jolie, Richard Plepler, Juliette Kayyem and other globalists.

Report: The US Nukes Housed At Incirlik in Turkey Are At Risk of Seizure...

The United States houses nuclear weapons at an Air Base in Incirlik, Turkey near Syria. According to a Washington think tank, those nukes are at risk of being captured by "terrorists or other hostile forces.”

Bombshell Discovery: Ancient Bones Found in Greece May Confirm Chilling Legend About Zeus

Archeologists made a sinister discovery at the top of a Greek mountain which might corroborate one of the darkest legends of antiquity. In Greece, specifically on Mount Lykaion, once worshiped as the birthplace of the deity Zeus, researchers uncovered a 3,000-year-old skeleton of a teenager amid a mound of ashes built up over a millennium from sacrificed animals.

WHAT?! Airlines Now Spray Pesticides On Passengers – Per Governmental Advisement

Have you ever felt sick after flying, only to assume it’s jetlag or a virus you picked up from another passenger? Well, think again! You might have been exposed to an insecticide, pesticides or other toxic chemicals – deliberately used by airline staff.

Milwaukee Reeling After Deadly Police Shooting – Protests Brought Chaos and Destruction

Milwaukee recently encountered a Ferguson-like event after a deadly police shooting. Police claim to have shot an armed man during a foot pursuit. The protest soon turned violent as protesters set cars and properties ablaze and clashed with police. Officials have confirmed that at least three people have been arrested.

Yet Another City Falls By The Wayside; Alaska Opens City Council Meeting With Satanic...

The world, in its entirety, becoming increasingly satanic. The “elite cabal," are radically forcing satanism on the masses using subliminal tactics which in turn...

Planet X: Scientists Discovered Planet Niku, in Cluster of ‘Trans-Neptunian Planets’ Shaped Like an...

Yet another mysterious object is lurking in our solar system just beyond Neptune which scientists have nicknamed "Niku." The Trans-Neptunian Planet is a part of a cluster of Trans-Neptunian planets shaped like an "X."