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Breaking News The UK May Experience A “Black Out”


Energy companies are seeking more power across the UK because of “multiple plant breakdowns”. There is “no” immediate danger of a black out but this winter is a major cause for concern. However warnings have been issued. [fvplayer src=”https://player.vimeo.com/external/144644819.sd.mp4?s=5519bd200638c969b87c7a455e8d4e0879156638&profile_id=112″ splash=”https://christianjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Blackout-Britain.jpg”] National Grid has asked energy companies to generate more power after “multiple plant breakdowns”. The…

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Strange Humanoid Creature Discovered In Paraguay (VIDEO)


Recently in Paraguay a strange humanoid creature has been discovered. The question is just what is this mysterious creature, and why is it here now? The analysis of this creature has revealed that it bares the closest resemblance to a chupacabra, which is actually native to the region. Below the video find the description of…

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CERN Alert: LHC Upgrade To Cause Vast Increase In Amounts of Black Holes Opened


The LHC is getting a major upgrade, and this upgrade will cause a lot more trouble on earth than they will ever admit. The current amount of black holes opened by CERN has done damage to the magnetosphere, and other parts of our world however with this upgrade it will increase the damage. Here is…

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BEWARE: The Spy At The Dinner Table is Not Who You Think it is


Dining out tonight? Think twice about what you say in restaurants, because eyes and ears are everywhere. Sounds like a scary movie right? Except it’s not a movie it is reality, the wonderful tablets that are placed in different restaurants around the country, are in fact watching and listening to you and your company while…

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ISIS Claims Responsibility For Downed Russian Plane In Egypt, or was it the USA? (VIDEO)


Breaking news, the Russian jet that downed earlier today has potentially been shot down by ISIS. An investigation is underway. However, the militant group affiliated with ISIS claimed responsibility: Breaking: Downing of Russian airplane, killing of more than 220 Russian crusaders on board. Soldiers of the Caliphate were able to bring down a Russian plane…

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This Halloween Will Be Epic The Most Demonic Yet Three Big Events Are Taking Place


This Halloween will prove its epicness over the course of the next few days. Not many understand the full scope of the known events taking place. The significance of this year’s events is a clear indication of the evil that is rising in our world. First off, a Blood Rave will be taking place in…

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Major Alert The New Phase of Personal Espionage is Upon us and it is Horrid


The new phase of espionage is upon us. This war is right at our doorsteps; this war is for our privacy. Wifi routers, what has become essential to every home in America and around the world. Data connects the people of the world; information has become a vital part of life. The problem is not…

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The End of Youtube News is Upon Us All Youtube Red Dawn Will Kill The Truth Movement


This spells disaster for us all, and it all begins October 28th 2015. Is it a coincidence that this day is also a human sacrifice day? Being that youtube has labeled their new “subscriptions” red, which can be labeled as blood. It is quite odd that the new plan also ties into ritualistic sacrifice. [fvplayer…

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Breaking News Court Decision Paves The Way For Australian Style Gun Ban


America is in the hands of the black robes (supreme court) again. Even though black robes do not run this country, because we supposedly have elected officials. However, every major decision as of late has been decided by these black robes. Gun confiscation is a real threat, such of which will happen all across this…

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Zombie-Like Activity On The Rise Man On Plane Agitated Bites Another Man Then Dies


A man bit another man and then mysteriously died this is not a joke, nor is it satire. This is the real world covered in layers and layers of lies; this is zombie-like activity. Such of which is not some crazy conspiracy either. Take five minutes and look around you, whether at home (least effective),…

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CERN and Fermilab Are Manufacturing The Worlds Most Detrimental Weapon


Matter and antimatter are the most dangerous combination. This combination would produce an explosion far larger than that of the atomic bomb. However, what matters is the amount of each substance combined. Scientists plan to create antimatter rockets that would make humans interstellar. However, that is not all they plan to do with antimatter. The…

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Cuban Troops In Syria Running Russian Tanks Spark World War 3 Fears


The sighting of Cuban troops in Syria proves one major thing; the Syrian civil war is not a civil war. How many countries are involved in Syria at this current moment? Too many. Russia, China, Israel, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Australia, the UK, the USA, and, of course, there are more countries all involved with…

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