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Beast Technology: New Digital skin activates brain cells


Man and metal do not mix, however as clearly shown it is one of the biggest fields in medicine. Given the fact, that combining man and machine will never work, clearly shows that there is a deeper, darker reasoning behind this sort of “advancement”. To put it economically, paying robots to do work is far…

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The Creatures of the Abyss are Returning NJ Devil Sighting


The obvious signs of the returning creatures have been astounding as of late. The lost world is resurfacing and so are the creatures of the abyss. While no body is looking, the world is returning to chaos. Here is a good example of one of the creatures. GALLOWAY, N.J. — A New Jersey resident says…

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The Agenda Turn Every Man Woman and Child Into A Satanist

The Agenda Turn Every Man Woman and Child Into A Satanist

Its starts in early childhood, and usually ends without the person even knowing they have become dark. Throughout time, the elite have begun a process in Americans, and other countries around the world. That plan is indoctrinating every person into satanic practice, and making the people not even realize it. Our children are in danger…

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Breaking News Russian Strikes in Syria Appear to Target Syrian Opposition Not ISIS


There has been a major escalation in the Syrian crisis, what Russia stated and what Russia is doing are two very separate things. Russia has begun airstrikes in Syria and they are targeting Syrian opposition not ISIS. This leaves room for a conflict between Russia and the USA because of US assets within Syrian opposition….

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Breaking A Senate Bill Passed A Test Vote To Keep The Government Open


The swirl of lies, deception, and deals has begun. A potential government shutdown is once again on the horizon. However, a senate bill just passed a “test” vote, this bill could keep the government open until December 11th. This bill has yet to be truly rolled out, and has yet to pass the house. A…

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The Pope is Here And The Elite Just Announced The Depopulation Of The Planet


This is yet another large display of symbolism from the puppets of the “elite” themselves: the pope and Barack Obama. The main focal point of discussion is climate change and the symbolism that is on display is nothing less than expected based on past announcements. The article read in the video above comes from CNN,…

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BLOOD MOON: Extinction event asteroid threat CANNOT be ruled out claims scientist


First of all, lets get something clear. We at Intel Revolution don’t push the “fear of impending doom”. That’s not what Intel revolution is about, we push facts, reason, and information; backed by our best efforts to deliver the truth. Given all the warnings be advised some experts are stating that there is a possible…

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This is Your Warning, History is Repeating And This Time Will Be Far Worse

History is Repeating And This Time Will Be Far Worse
History is Repeating And This Time Will Be Far Worse

The dark ages, that name was not created for just any reason, it was one of the most evil times in history. Within the dark ages the Crusades occurred, and now it is repeating right before our very eyes. The bloodiest wars, the starvation, the death, the plagues, the murders, the slayings, all because of one problem; the invasion. The…

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Breaking News Federal Reserve holds rates at zero


Washington (AFP) – The Federal Reserve held its key interest rate locked at zero Thursday, pointing to the downturn in the global economy even as US growth remains steady. “Recent global economic and financial developments may restrain economic activity somewhat and are likely to put further downward pressure on inflation in the near term,” the…

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Breaking One Third Of The USA Is Okay With A Military Takeover


[poll id=”5″] Blame the 2016 Republican presidential candidates (cough, Donald Trump, cough) or the recent stock market meltdown or Americans’ general conviction that the country is going to hell, but a recent poll showed that one-third of U.S. citizens aren’t satisfied with their government. In fact, 30 percent would support a military takeover, The Guardian reports. The…

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Rumors of War Russia and The US furthering the Agenda of WW3


“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each…

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Is there a Planet X, a ‘massive perturber,’ hidden beyond Pluto? – The Washington Post


If you’ve been following our coverage of the New Horizons mission, you know that the NASA probe had a spectacular fly-by of Pluto on July 14 and, if the agency approves the funding, will scrutinize a “cold, classical” Kuiper Belt Object on New Year’s Day, 2019. It’s basically a chunk of ice and rock, maybe…

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