Published: December 19, 2016  Updated: March 19, 2017 at 10:34 pm EST

Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated by gunman

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The Russian ambassador to Turkey was assassinated as he gave a speech at an Ankara art gallery on Monday by an off-duty police officer who shouted “Don’t forget Aleppo” and “Allahu Akbar” as he opened fire.

BREAKING: Russia’s ambassador to Turkey has died after being shot in Ankara, according to Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman.

— The Associated Press (@AP) December 19, 2016

Russia claims the incident was a terror act, but the act strains rough tensions between the two countries yet again.

Russia is an ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and its air strikes helped Syrian forces end rebel resistance last week in the northern city of Aleppo. Turkey, which seeks Assad’s ouster, has been repairing ties with Moscow after shooting down a Russian warplane over Syria last year.

As pictured above, the Ankara mayor said on Twitter the gunman as a 22-year-old police officer.

“He took out his gun and shot the ambassador from behind. We saw him lying on the floor and then we ran out,” said a witness, who asked not to be identified. People took refuge in adjoining rooms as the shooting continued.



  1. Yep completely fake! He shot 7 times and there was just a little blood behind his head. Not enough to show that he was shot 7 times. Also before he didn’t have on the blue vest but during the talk he did. The art on the wall is different than the gallery has and the people don’t look scared that are in the background in fact one of the ladies is smiling which wouldn’t be the case in that situation.

  2. That’s not at all what a real firearm sounds like. Zero blood. Victim would most likely fall forward or to the side if shot in the back…not flop directly on the entrance wounds. Cameraman was amazingly brave, kept on filming while a lunatic was waving a gun around. Zero other people in the shot. HOAX!


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