United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned America, that if the USA disengages from international issues, the USA will be replaced on the world stage.

The Socialist Guterres stated that the US’s proposed budget cuts would create “an unsolvable problem to the management of the U.N.,” and that the US would likely be replaced on the international stage by other actors if the Trump administration continues to withdraw from international relations and foreign policy.

“In relation to other question that you raised, it is clear for me, contrary to physics, in physics there was an idea, during many centuries that nature would not tolerate the void, but that idea proved wrong, it is possible to have vacuum in nature, but not in international relations, when someone is absent, or when someone doesn’t engage in a situation, or when someone leaves space, that space is always occupied by others, and so I believe that if the United States disengages in relation to many aspects of foreign policy, international relations, it will be unavoidable that other actors will occupy that space. And I don’t think that this is good for the United States and I don’t think that this is good for the world.”

In accordance with the Secretary General’s statements, and with the declarations made by Xi Jinping of China, it is increasingly evident that the United Nation’s “vacuum” or “space” left by the United States will be occupied by the communist nation of China.

Since the founding of the United Nations,’ the international governing body has moved in one direction, towards socialism, up until the Trump administration occupied the White House the United States was aligned with the United Nations in moving in one direction, towards socialism. As the Trump administration took office, it would appear as though the US is stepping back from that agenda.

As China takes its global seat the goal of the United Nations becomes ever more evident, communism; as Vladimir Lenin stated: “the goal of socialism is communism.”

With the US stepping back, it is evident that the world is increasingly becoming multipolar.

“Polarity in international relations is any of the various ways in which power is distributed within the international system. It describes the nature of the international system at any given period of time. One generally distinguishes four types of systems: unipolarity, bipolarity, tripolarity, and multipolarity for four or more centers of power. The type of system is completely dependent on the distribution of power and influence of states in a region or globally.”

With China ready to occupy the “void” left by the United States it is evident that a New World Order is afoot, which just so happens to be what Xi Jinping called for back in February at the Davos Summit for the international elitists, and just after the Trump administration took office in January.


  1. All that this is really saying is that if the US decides to pull it’s lion’s share of funding for these organizations the other countries will pay it. Good luck with that.

  2. As noted in this article, Vladimir Lenin stated, “The goal of socialism is communism”. A Wikipedia article on Communism defines the communist society as, “a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absense of social classes, money, and the state”. On the world stage, decisions revolve around money and power. Power is the rate at which work gets done and money is the means at which power is supplied. When there is a lack of money, there also is a resistance to work. When an individual, corporation, or state is offered money in exchange for work, work being accomplished is contingent upon the money supply. A drop in supply results in more resistance to the work getting done. If the value of the currency is also weak, so too does the resistance to work increase. Communism is like an Internal Combustion Engine. If the oil to the engine is of poor quality, the engine heats up and eventually seizes. If currency value is akin to oil, an inferior currency will result in a disasterous economy (engine). Any society operates at its best when the value of its currency is maintained properly. If it is either over or undervalued, then it will be become less stable. American capitalism is no exception. With respect to this article, I see America as the oil. The UN is the vehicle, and UN leaders are engineers trying to run on non-combustible engines exclusively. Try as they might, there will always be a need for oil.

    • I see what you’re saying.. I am going to reuse your visual representation of America in my response – just so you know to use the same context. In regards to the dominance and need of ‘the oil’; this explains why we see the communist green revolutions popping up in our societies. By degrading the influence and devaluing the oil, America, they can set up a new structure based on population, control, analytics, and green energy which is why China will fill the void left by the US. Which is why China is behind the green revolution. Constantly I keep hearing globalists say we need to value power not by money or influence but by population. If that is successful, then America makes up what 0.03 percent of the global population, thereby the communist nation rises to the top. The structure they are building is one based on communism but not like 20th century communism rather it will be a technocratic communist order.

      • When speaking of structural orders you remind me of the classical Greco-Roman orders (Doric-Ionic-Corinthian). Although each support a structure, they are all capitals with unique meaning and appearance. If there were to be a capital representative of the technocrat, I’d imagine it would take the form of a sphere or globe (perhaps illuminated). Ultimately, all building structures serve as shelters. If they cannot protect their inhabitants from outside forces, the inhabitants will look for shelter elsewhere. The technocratic communist order, just like any other communist government (in my opinion) is like Stonehenge. It is a formidable structure, but ultimately is for show and provides no shelter from outside forces (free market capitalism).

  3. There is no doubting that the so-called elite, or NWO, wants unipolarity under its governance: if you doubt that then ask yourself what the deep state is all about in the US.
    The wildcard here is actually Russia. Despite the polemic emanating from Washington, Russia has disavowed its Communist past and is currently (in my opinion) the most overtly Christian nation in the western hemisphere (and that includes the US). How many of you know that under President Putin the RF has restored 30,000 churches? Or that when Russian paratroopers make a landing they drop a “church” as part of their equipment? Russia is now unabashedly Christian, and President Putin has made repeated remarks about western decadence and moral ambivalence in his many interviews, and in speeches at the UN.
    So, yes, the UN is anti-national sovereignty, and going full steam ahead to meet its Agenda 2030 declaration, but there is still hope if more people can be encouraged to embrace Christ as their savior. In the end that’s all that counts.


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