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BREAKING: US Senate Passes Bill Approving Mandatory Vaccinations for Veterans


The truth is that mandatory vaccinations will soon be the law of the land. With how smoothly the industry is making themselves look to the public. All while throwing out individuals who seek natural medicine, the governmental agencies are seeking the chemically addicted, dumbed down the side of humanity. Vaccines had worked for a little…

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Southern California to conduct bio-terrorism drill This Week


An anthrax terror attack is the subject of this bio-drill, and the worry continues. The threat of bio-terror on Americans is possibly one of the worst events that could take place on US soil because hospitals around the country are not equipped to deal with such. The likelihood of such happening on US soil, and…

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The USA is Smuggling Immigrants Into the US VIA UPS Airplanes, and Through Mexico


The video you seek is at the end of our video-cast report. [fvplayer src=”https://player.vimeo.com/external/146056803.hd.mp4?s=5d9b308b21b0844d2b8d115e76070a580e10357d&profile_id=113″ splash=”https://christianjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/illegal-immigration-refugee-AP-640×480.jpg”] –TIME STAMP IN VIDEO, IS THE TIME THIS REPORT WAS CREATED, NOT THE TIME THE FOOTAGE WAS CAPTURED.– GET ACCESS, GO EXCLUSIVE The audacity, the US government, is attempting to smuggle immigrants into the country, via any means necessary. First,…

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GRIDEX III The Drill To Take Down Americas Power Grid


[fvplayer src=”https://player.vimeo.com/external/145938947.hd.mp4?s=471514eac2c96ae96ddec2cccdf05fa46686a4a9&profile_id=113″ splash=”https://christianjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/GettyImages-123521764-1024×768.jpg”] The power grid, the infrastructure that the USA has relied on for years, is weak and brittle. In fact, a few lines cut and the flow of information, power, connection, and data comes to a near standstill. The grid is not the most reliable way to the world of information. However, it…

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ALERT: The IMF To Include The Yuan in the Elite Currency Basket of the World


The International Monetary Fund has decided that on November 30th, 2015 they will attempt again to include the Yuan into the elite currency basket. The decision is not final, yet. However Christine Lagarde, the mouthpiece, stated that she supports the Yuan inclusion. [fvplayer src=”https://player.vimeo.com/external/145725449.hd.mp4?s=a465e7c81afc2fa64db5020901f386e59ccc0362&profile_id=113″ embed=”true” speed=”no” splash=”https://christianjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/015.jpg”] China has worked tirelessly to correct their “errors”…

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Nibiru? New Earth Sized Planet Discovered


[fvplayer src=”https://player.vimeo.com/external/145656565.hd.mp4?s=a75edcd30fa2f1cd86befcc01eb0786548bb2e2e&profile_id=113″ embed=”true” speed=”buttons” splash=”https://christianjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Astronomers_are_freaking_out_over-b5c52baa89f55156e6baa42d5615c4cd.jpg”] This new planet discovered is raising questions about the mysterious Nibiru. Has it surfaced? The lies of Nasa and other governmental space organizations are stating that this “new” planet is approximately 39 light years away when in reality it could be in our back yard. However, to keep suspicion down,…

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PARIS UNDER SIEGE: 60+ Dead Due To Terror Attacks And 100 Hostages!


[fvplayer src=”https://player.vimeo.com/external/145686111.hd.mp4?s=e742bc272296a4e45ec31235692b3b73900e3d77&profile_id=113″ embed=”true” speed=”buttons” splash=”https://christianjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/48248389.cached.jpg”] [oa_livecom_event id=’1′ ] Paris is being attacked by terrorists in at least three separate locations on Friday, killing more than 35 people. The first known attack was allegedly on a restaurant, Petit Cambodge, in Paris’s 10th arrondissement on Friday night. Another incident reportedly occurred at the Bataclan, where as many…

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Military Takeover Step 2: UWEX 16 The Successor of Jade Helm 15 Psychological Warfare is Afoot


UWEX 16, the military drill to kick the year off. 2016 is a new year and for Texas it is going to be filled with drills from the get go. Starting in March Unconventional Warfare Excursive 2016 will be kicking off. This drill will consist of 30+ role players, and, of course, the secretive notion…

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Video: ‘Wheel of the Nephilim’ Prehistoric “Stonehenge” Discovered in the Golan Heights


[fvplayer src=”https://player.vimeo.com/external/145573414.hd.mp4?s=cbff251f524c0e3b9627ace15722a6bf62ee94a7&profile_id=113″ embed=”true” splash=”https://christianjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Screen-Shot-2015-11-12-at-6.45.30-PM.png”] Discovered in the Golan Heights, the wheel of the giants/Nephilim, is a landmark that defines that time period. What is being labeled as ‘prehistoric’, and an almost identical twin to Stonehenge in England begs further research into such an interesting site. GOLAN HEIGHTS (Reuters) – Driving past it, one of the…

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Sci-Fi Tech Being Used By Retailers Tracks Your Every Move Once You Are Inside Via Facial Recognition Software


The use of facial recognition software is growing, so much that it is down right scary. The use of such technology violates the privacy of every human granted to us by God and inked in the United States Constitution, yet there are no rejections. However there are billion dollar companies getting in bed with the…

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AMERICA Has 90 Days Until Obama Signs Our Death Warrant Under The TPP


The biggest change to the world is dead ahead, for America it begins in 90 days, and it will never end after that. The signing of the Trans Pacific Partnership is the fast track to the one world government, this is the fast track to the end of the constitution, this is the fast track…

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MYSTERIOUS Orb Found In Spain DNA From Neanderthal Shaking Up Human History


A very odd orb has been collected in Spain. The orb is of mechanical nature, but its origins are not known, just as the previous times orbs like such have been discovered. [fvplayer src=”https://player.vimeo.com/external/144991404.hd.mp4?s=885e65b516d9c35ace58b08fcd57ea17ec0533fe&profile_id=113″ splash=”https://christianjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Ufo-like-orb.jpg”] A weird UFO-type orb was discovered in a field in Clasparra, Murcia, Spain, on Tuesday by two goat farmers. Technically,…

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